Almanac for B.E. VI-SEM (WP-CEEP) Academic Year 2024-2025. || Almanac for MCA. II-SEM Academic Year 2024-2025. || Press Note for English Communication Skills and Personality Development from 17th February 2025. || Press Note for English Communication Skills and Personality Development from 10th february 2025.||

The Department of Electrical Engineering is celebrating its Platinum Jubilee Year 2023-24

The Department of Electrical Engineering started in 1949 to offer B.E in Electrical Engineering. Presently, the Department is offering B.E. in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. Continuing Education for employed diploma holders was started in 1963 through the four-year Part-Time Degree course in Electrical Engineering; The Post-graduate course in Electrical Machines was started in 1966. Later, in the year 1987, B.E in Instrumentation was offered. B.E. programme for Working Professionals with an intake of 30 is started in 2024.

With a view to provide diversity and industrial orientation to the Post Graduate program, currently the Department is offering M.E. courses in Industrial Drives & Control and Power Systems, which were introduced in 1971. Department also offers part time PG courses in Industrial Drives & Control and Power Systems for the working academicians and engineers. A new PG program in Power Electronic Systems is introduced in the year 2008. The Ph.D. program in Electrical Engineering is being offered since 1972.

The Department has eighteen regular faculty and three contract faculty members who are highly experienced and actively involved in research activities. The Department is also equipped with state-of-art equipment and well qualified technical staff. UG and PG Programs of the department are accredited by NBA.


To strive for excellence in education and research; meet the requirement of industry in the field of electrical engineering to serve the nation.

  • To provide knowledge-based technology and serve to meet the needs of society in electrical and allied industries.
  • To help in building national capabilities for excellent energy management and to explore non-conventional energy sources.
  • To create research-oriented culture and to provide competent consultancy.
  • To create and sustain environment of learning in which students acquire knowledge andlearnto apply it professionally with due consideration of ethical and economic issues.
  • To be accountable through self-evaluation and continuous improvement.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of B.E. Electrical & Electronics Engineering

PEO 1: To provide students with a solid foundation in Mathematics, Sciences and Electrical Engineering which prepares students for further studies and hence research in Electrical Engineering and for a wide range of career opportunities in Industries and academics.

PEO 2: To train the students with good engineering breadth so as to comprehend, analyze, innovate and design new products in electrical domain, to provide technical solutions to real life problems and to render technical services to the needs of the society.

PEO 3: To inculcate professional and ethical attitude, creative, effective communication and presentation skills and enhanced ability to work in teams to pursue complex, open-ended investigations and research in electrical engineering for effective knowledge transfer.

PEO 4: To provide students with an academic environment aware of excellence, proactiveness, leadership positions in multidisciplinary teams, entrepreneurial talent and lifelong learning for successful professional career.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of M.E. Industrial Drives and Control

PEO 1: To prepare the students for acquiring the knowledge of different types of Industrial drives including special electric drives controlled with various power electronic converters.

PEO 2: To develop the ability to exhibit creative and critical reasoning skills to comprehend, analyze, design and implement solutions for problems in power electronic converters and drives.

PEO 3: To prepare the students for successful carrier in Industry, Academia and Research with proficiency in control of electric drives.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of M.E. Power Systems

PEO 1: To impart knowledge to cater to the changing needs of electrical power systems.

PEO 2: To prepare students for attaining latest technology in research and development in sustainable technologies related to Power Systems.

PEO 3: To prepare students for successful career, capable of extending technical services to industry with proficiency in the field of power systems.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of M.E. Power Electronic Systems

PEO 1: To develop professional knowledge in the field of power electronics and its applications in power sectors and core industries.

PEO 2: To develop ability  to exhibit creative & critical reasoning skills to comprehend, analyze, design and implement solutions for problems in power electronic converters and special electrical drives.

PEO 3: To enhance the student capacity in pursuing research in emerging areas of power electronic systems.

Contact Us

University College of Engineering (Autonomous)
Osmania University
Hyderabad – 500007

Tel: +91 8331997305

Professor & Head of the Department , Director ITE&C, OU
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Prof. E. Vidya Sagar (Emp. ID- 49021)

M.E., Ph.D.(JNTU-H)

Areas of Interests

Distribution Reliability, Power Quality, Deregulated Power Systems, Smart Grid, Distribution System

Senior Professor
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Prof. G. Yesuratnam (Emp. ID- 49014)


Areas of Interests

Voltage Stability, Power Systems Security, Reactive Power Optimization, AI Applications to Power Systems

Professor & Director ERP Cell, UCE, OU
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Prof. M. Manjula (Emp. ID- 49013)

M.E., Ph.D.(O.U)

Areas of Interests

Power Systems, Power Quality, Neural Networks, Microprocessors & Microcontrollers

Professor & Director, SC-ST Cell, OU., Additional Chief Warden, UCE, OU
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Prof. B. Mangu (Emp. ID- 49016)

M.E., Ph.D. (IIT-B)

Areas of Interests

Power Electronics, Electric Drives

Professor & Dean, Development & UGC Affairs , Chairman Board of Studies , UCE,OU
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Prof. G. Mallesham (Emp. ID- 49018)

M.Tech., Ph.D.(IIT-D), Post Doc(USA)

Areas of Interests

Soft Computing Applications to Design /Control of a microgrid /smart grid based system, power quality problems, Renewable Energy, Power System Control, Optimization, Control, Automation and Optimization.

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Prof. P. Srinivas (Emp. ID- 49017)

M.Tech., Ph.D.(O.U)

Areas of Interests

Power Electronics, Industrial Drives & Special Electrical Machines with emphasis on Switched Reluctance Motor

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Prof. P. Satish Kumar (Emp. ID- 49024)


Areas of Interests

Power Electronics, Electric Drives, Multilevel Inverters, Pulse Width Modulation Techniques, Renewable Energy Sources, Hybrid Power Systems, Micro Grid and Special Machines.

Associate Professor & Hostel Warden
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Dr. M.V. Ramana Rao (Emp. ID- 49015)

M.Tech., Ph.D

Areas of Interests

Power Electronics, Electric Drives & Special Machines

Associate Professor & Faculty Coordinator Sports
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Dr. CH. Siva Kumar (Emp. ID- 49026)

M.E., Ph.D. (O.U)

Areas of Interests

Hybrid Power Systems, Renewable Energy Sources, Power Quality, Optimization, Smart Grid Technologies, Distributed Generation

Associate Professor & General Warden, Girls Hostel, UCE, PRO, UCE, OU, Chairperson, Board of Studies, UCE, OU
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Dr. N. Susheela (Emp. ID- 49019)

M.E. Ph.D. (OU)

Areas of Interests

Power Electronics & Drives, Special Machines, Multi Level Inverters

Associate Professor & Faculty Advisor PhD course
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Dr. B. Sirisha (Emp. ID- 49028)

M. Tech., Ph.D. (OU)

Areas of Interests

Power Electronics, Electric Drives & Special Machines

Associate Professor & PG Coordinator, UCE, OU ,Faculty advisor M.E. (Power Systems),In charge for Dept. Exams, Dept. Website Incharge
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Dr. N. Srilatha (Emp. ID- 49027)

M.E., Ph.D. (OU)

Areas of Interests

Power Systems Security, Voltage Stability, Artificial Intelligent Techniq ues, Smart Grid Technologies

Assistant Professor & In charge for Dept. Exams
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Dr. G.V. Naga Lakshmi (Emp. ID- 49020)

M.Tech., Ph.D.

Areas of Interests

Electrical Power Engineering, Deregulation of Power Systems, Distributed Generation

Assistant Professor & Dept. Internship coordinator
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Dr. E. Sreeshobha (Emp. ID- 49025)

M.Tech., Ph.D.

Areas of Interests

Power Electronics, Industrial Drives and Applications

Assistant Professor & Additional Chief Superintendent of Exams, UCE, OU , Dept. Time Table Incharge, Faculty advisor M.E. (IDC)
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Dr. R. Linga Swamy (Emp. ID- 49023)

M.Tech., Ph.D.(OU)

Areas of Interests

Power Electronics & Drives, Multi level Inverters

Assistant Professor & Joint Director, Examination Cell, UCE, OU
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Dr. P. Lokender Reddy (Emp. ID- 49022)

M.Tech., Ph.D.(OU)

Areas of Interests

Instrumentation & Control Systems, Evolutionary Computation Techniques

Assistant Professor & Nodal Officer, Statistical Cell, OU Placement Officer, UCE,OU
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Dr. J. Upendar (Emp. ID- 49030)

M.Tech., Ph.D (IIT-Roorkee, 2010).

Areas of Interests

Power System, Power Electronics, FACTS devices, Artificial Intelligent Techniques

Assistant Professor & Faculty advisor M.E. (PES)
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Dr .U. Suryavalli (Emp. ID- 49029)

M.Tech., Ph.D ( IITB)

Areas of Interests

Power Electronics and Machine Drives

Assistant Professor (Contract) & Dept. Website Incharge
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Ms.G.Jhansi Rani (Emp. ID- 801788)

M. Tech., (Ph.D. -OU)

Areas of Interests

Power Electronics

Assistant Professor(Contract) & Dept. Time Table Incharge
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Dr.S.Vijender Reddy (Emp. ID- 801787)

M. Tech., Ph.D

Areas of Interests

Electrical Power Engineering

Assistant Professor (Contract) & Dept. ERP Cell coordinator
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Mr.G.Kiran Kumar (Emp. ID- 801459)

M. Tech., (Ph.D. - OU)

Areas of Interests

Electrical Power Engineering

Programmes Full-Time / Part-Time Year of starting Duration
B.E. (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) Full-Time 1949 4 Years
B.E. for working Professionals Part-Time 2024 3 Years
M.E. (Electrical Engineering)
  • Industrial Drives & Control
  • Power Systems
  • Power Electronic Systems
2 Years
M.E. (Electrical Engineering)
  • Industrial Drives & Control
  • Power Systems
3 Years
Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering) Full-Time, Part-Time 1972 5 Years
Research Areas
  • Renewable Energy Systems
  • Hybrid Electric Vehicles
  • Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Power Systems
  • Multilevel Inverters
  • Micro Grid and Distributed Generation
  • Power System Security & Congestion Management
  • Power Quality Problems
  • Deregulated Power Systems
  • Reliability Engineering in Power Systems
  • Control of AC/DC Motor Drives
  • Special Electric Machines
Sponsored Projects
Name of The supervisor Title of the project sponsored cost Sanctioned Date &Duration of the project
Prof. B. Mangu Design and Implementation ofControl Techniques to Mitigate High Solar PV Penetration Issues into the Grid Science and Engineering Research Board
Rs 35.0 lakhs 2022-2025
Dr. P. Satish Kumar Performance Enhancement of Grid Connected Multilevel Inverter based Wind Energy Conversion System with Low Voltage Ride Through Capability using Power Conditioners India-Slovenia International  Bilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation Project, DST, New Delhi Rs. 20, 80, 000/-

Jan 2022-Dec 2024 (3 years)

Dr. P. Satish Kumar Design and Development of Hybrid Wind-Solar Power Generation System using Multilevel Inverters for Grid Connected Applications Indo-Sri Lanka Joint Research Project, Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi
Rs.25,99,780/- 2016(3 years)
Dr. P. Satish Kumar Investigation, Implementation & Performance Evaluation of Cascaded Multi level Inverter using SVPWM algorithm UGC – Major research project
Rs. 8.49 lakhs 2012(3 years)
Dr. P. Satish Kumar Performance Evaluation of Diode-clamped Multi level Inverter using Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi Rs. 20.1 lakhs 20/11/2013 - 19/08/2017
Prof. B. Mangu Integrated PV-Wind-Battery based Stand-alone Single-phase System for Household Application Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi Rs 5.0 lakhs 29/7/2017
5 years
Dr. J. Upendar Design and implementation of transmission line simulator laboratory model Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi Rs 5.0 lakhs 3 years
Dr. B. Mangu Grid Connected PV-Wind-Battery Based Multi-Input Transformer Coupled Bidirectional DC-DC Converter For Household Applications TEQIP-II Rs 1.0 lakh 16/11/2015
1 year
Dr. P. Srinivas Implementation of bidirectional DC – DC converter Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi Rs 5.0 lakhs July-2017
5 years
Dr. M. Manjula Mitigation of harmonics in a non- linear load TEQIP-II Rs 1.0 lakh Nov-2015
Dr. E. Vidyasagar Reliability Improvement of Distribution Systems using Fault Passage Indicators TEQIP-II Rs 1.0 lakh Nov-2015
Ph.D.s awarded under supervision of Department Faculty
Prof. G. Yesuratnam
  • Mr. V. Punnaiah:Ph.D. thesis entitled “Performance Analysis of Solar Thermal Powered Systems and its Impact on Electrical Distribution Feeders, March 2018.
  • Mr. G. Mahender: Ph.D. thesis entitled “Effect of On-Load tap changer transformer operation on voltage stability under various operatingconditions, October 2019.
  • Mr. K. Rayudu:Ph.D. thesis entitled “Optimal reactive Power Dispatch using GA, ACO, AC and BAT Algorithms”, June 2019.
  • Mrs. N Srilatha:Ph.D. thesis entitled “Congestion Management in Power System Using Artificial Intelligence”, August 2021.
  • Mr. CV Gopalakrishna Rao: Ph.D. thesis entitled "Big Bang - Big Crunch Based Optimal Economic and Emission Dispatch",2023.
  • Mr. A. Sriker: Ph.D. thesis entitled "A Practical Approach to Distribution System Analysis and Optimization",2023.
  • Mr. P. Lokender Reddy: Ph.D. thesis entitled "Application of Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms to Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch",2023.
  • Mrs. Sree Naga Gouri Sarada Devi: Ph.D. thesis entitled "Methodologies to Reduce Computational Complexity in Power System State Estimation",2023.
Prof. M. Manjula
  • Mr. S. Vijender Reddy: Ph.D. thesis entitled "Performance Evaluation of Radial Distribution Network with Distributed Generation using Optimization Algorithms" ,2024.
  • B. Sravanthi: Ph.D. thesis entitled "Pollution Performance of Composite Insulators Removed from Service",2023.
Prof. B. Mangu
  • Mr. B.Ravi : Ph.D. thesis entitled "Design and Performance Evaluation of Magnetic Coupling Coils for Wireless Charging System with Different Configurations",2023.
Prof. G. Mallesham
  • Mr. M. V. Ramana Rao: Ph.D. thesis entitled "Design and Analysis of Brushless DC Motor by an Expert System",2022.
  • Mr. CH. Sivakumar: Ph.D. thesis entitled "Optimal Design and Control of UPQC to Improve the Power Quality of Hybrid Renewable Systems",2023.
Prof. P. Satish Kumar
  • Mrs. B. Sirisha: PhD thesis entitled "Optimal Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Methods for cascaded H- Bridge and Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverters Including Over Modulation Region", May 2018.
  • Mrs. N. Susheela: Ph.D. thesis entitled "Implementation and Analysis of Various Pulse WidthModulation Control Strategies for Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter and Hybrid Multilevel InverterTopologies", August 2018.
  • Mr. Ch. Lokeshwar Reddy: Ph.D thesis entitled “Investigation and Implementation of ControlStrategies for Multilevel Inverters”, December 2018.
  • Mr. G. Sridhar: Ph.D. thesis entitled “Design and Implementation of A Novel Topology for CascadedH-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with Reduced number of Switches”, August 2019.
  • Mr. Thota Surya Prakash: Ph.D. thesis entitled "A Novel Four Converter Topology of InterlineUnified Power Quality Conditioner for Power Quality Improvement in Multi-Feeder Systems",March, 2021.
  • Mr. Ratna Kishori: Ph.D. thesis entitled "Reduced Source Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverter with Voltage Balancing Features",2023.
  • Mr. B. Ravikumar : Ph.D. thesis entitled "Analysis, Design, and Implementation of Pulse Width Modulation Technique for Multi-Level Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive",2023.
Prof. E. Vidyasagar
  • Mrs. E. Sreeshobha: Ph.D. thesis entitled "Unified Power Flow Controller to Enhance the Performance of Composite Power System",2023
  • Mrs. V. Swarna Rekha: Ph.D.thesis entitled "Reliability Evaluation of Radial Distribution Feeder with Smart Grid Technology and Forecasted EV Load Considering Different Load Models" ,2024.
List of Major Equipment
S.No. Particulars of Equipment / Items Amount(in Rupees) Year of Purchase Location of Equipment Source of Fund
1 MATHWORKS Campus Wide License 2531429.00 2018-19 ALL LABS TEQIP-III
2 Relay Protection Test Kit 2446875.00 2015-16 POWER SYSTEMS LAB TEQIP-II
3 7kWp HYBRID Solar Power System
(Part-I of 10kWp Solar PV System)
1575000.00 2019-20 DRIVES LAB TEQIP-III
4 3kWp Stand Alone Solar Power System
(Part-II of 10kWp Solar PV System)
5 Precision Digital Scope Corder 1116067.00 2018-19 POWER ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS LAB TEQIP-III
6 Power Analyzer 989995.00 2005-06 DRIVES LAB TEQIP-I
7 Wind Turbine Emulator 850500.00 2018-19 POWER ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS LAB TEQIP-III
8 Solar Array Simulator Module 840210.00 2016-17 POWER ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS LAB TEQIP-II
9 3-Phase 3-Level NPC Multi LevelInverter 662798.00 2014-15 DRIVES LAB TEQIP-II
10 Feeder Protection Unit 478038.00 2015-16 POWER SYSTEMS LAB TEQIP-II
11 Digital Power Analyzer 341869.00 2014-15 DRIVES LAB TEQIP-II
12 Solar Array Simulator Main Frame 339150.00 2016-17 POWER ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS LAB TEQIP-II
13 DSP / Microcontroller Based Solid State AC/DC Drive System 309930.00 2005-06 DRIVES LAB TEQIP-I
14 Switch Reluctance Motor
With Spring Balance DSP / Microcontroller Based Solid State Drive System. IGBT Based Power Module
294070.00 2005-06 DRIVES LAB TEQIP-I
15 5 Level Cascaded Inverter Module 198450.00 2016-17 POWER ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS LAB TEQIP-II
16 3 - Phase Numerical Distance Relay 177097.15 2016-17 POWER SYSTEMS LAB TEQIP-II
17 3-Level Diode Clamped Inverter 168800.00 2015-16 POWER ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS LAB TEQIP-II
18 3 Phase IGBT Based Inverter Stack 110775.00 2016-17 POWER ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS LAB TEQIP-II
19 3 Phase IGBT Based Current Source Inverter Stack 105500.00 2016-17 DRIVES LAB TEQIP-II
20 3 Phase IGBT Based Voltage Source Inverter Stack 100000.00 2016-17 DRIVES LAB TEQIP-II
21. 40 Computers    2019- 20 Computer lab  TEQIP-II|

Prof. G. Yesuratnam

  1. Comparison of Optimum Reactive Power Schedule with Different Objectives Using LP technique,” International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, CANADA, and Vol.7: No.3, Article 4, 2006.
  2. Optimum Reactive Power Dispatch and Identification of Critical On Load Tap Changing (OLTC) Transformers” International Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems. Taylors and Francis Group, UK, Vol.35, Issue 6, 2007, pp. 655-674.
  3. Congestion management in open access based on relative electrical distances using voltage stability criteria,” International Journal of Electric Power Systems Research USA, Vol.77, No.12, October 2007, pp.1608-1618
  4. Fuzzy Expert Approach with Curtailed   Controllers   for improved Reactive Power Dispatch,” International Journal of Emerging Electric Power System, CANADA, and Vol.8: No.3, Article 7, 2007.
  5. Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch in a Large Power System with AC/DC and FACTS controllers” IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, USA, Vol.2, issue 1, January 2008, pp: 71-81.
  6. Risk/Return Profile and Input/Output Variables of Solar Water Heating (SWH) System and Policy Frame work in India,” International Journal of Electrical Engineering ISSN 0974-2158 Vol.4 Number 1 (2011), pp.115-129.
  7. Estimation of Annual Solar Radiation from measured temperatures by using Temperature-based (TB) approach in different cities in India”.  Elsevier, Sustainable Cities and Society. 1 (2011) pp.187-194.
  8. Genetic Algorithm optimization of Generator Reactive Power” an international journal of AASRI Procedia, Elsevier Publications Vol.2, pp.192-198, 2012
  9. Energy-Efficiency Potential in the Building Sector and Potential for Energy-Efficiency Improvements in India” International Journal of Advanced Renewable Energy Research, Vol.1, Issue.8, pp.452-460, 2012.
  10. Analysis of opportunities and challenges of solar water heating systems (SWHS) in India: Estimates from the energy audit surveys & review”, Elsevier, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol.16, January 2012 pp.668-676.
  11. Bing-Bang and Big-Crunch (BB-BC) and Firefly Optimization (FFO): Application and Comparison to Optimal Power Flow with Continuous and Discrete Control Variables”, International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Volume 4, number 4, December 2012.
  12. Emission Constrained Optimal Power Flow by Big-Bang and Big-Crunch Optimization”, Journal of Electrical Systems, Vol.9, no. 2, pp 256-266, June 2013.
  13. Optimal Power Flow with Valve Point Loading effects of Cost Function and Mixed–Integer Control Variables using Big-Bang and Big-Crunch Optimization”, Journal of Advanced Computer Science & TechnologyVol.2 ,no.1,2013.
  14. Significance of design for energy conservation in buildings: building envelope components”, Int. J. Energy Technology and Policy, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2013, pp.34-52. Copyright © 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
  15. Optimal Design & Analysis of Solar Water Heating System using Solar Factors for Energy Efficiency & Thermal Performance”. Universal Journal of Renewable Energy 2 (2014), 112-125
  16. Reactive Power Optimization of Power System based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Non-Linear Programming”, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology no.11, 2014.
  17. Performance Analysis of Solar Water Heating System in Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD)”, Southern Region of India, Environment, Development and Sustainability Vol.16, no.6, pp 1223-1234, 2014.
  18. Analysis of Yearly Solar Radiation by Using Correlations based on Ambient Temperature: India”, Sustainable Cities and Society Vol.11, pp 16-21, 2014.
  19. Harnessing Clean WATTS from SUN: India’s Contribution, a Techno Economic Analysis and Empowering the Future of Energy Sector”, Sustainable Cities and Society Vol.12, pp 69-75, 2014.
  20. “Multi-Objective optimization using Big-Bang Big-Crunch based Optimization: Application to optimal Economic Environmental Dispatch”,Journal of Electrical Systems,  2015, Vol. 11, Issue 4, p476-492.
  21. Optimisation of Electrical Distribution System by Using Solar Thermal Powered Systems and Its Impact on Electrical Distribution Feeders”, EPEJournal,Vol.8, No.4, April 2016.
  22. Performance analysis of Flat Plate Solar collector by using Al2O3Nanofluid at different concentrations with different Aspect Ratios”. International Journal of Engineering Research and Management (IJERM) ISSN: 2349- 2058, Volume-03, Issue-05, May 2016.
  23. Congestion Management Technique Using Fuzzy logic Based on Security and Economy Criteria”. WSEAS Journal on Recent Researches in Artificial Intelligence and Database Management.
  24. Application of Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Voltage profile Improvement”. The Journal of CPRI ,Vol.12, No.4, December 2016 pp.655-663.
  25. BAT algorithm and Ant Colony Optimization based Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch to Improve Voltage Stability”, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science Vol.2 ,No.6 ,June2017.
  26. Hybrid Bacteria Foraging Particle Swarm Optimization based Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch for the Alleviation of Voltage Deviations”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, ISSN:2249-8958, Volime-9, Issue-2, December 2019
  27. Optimal Location of multi-type FACTS for Power System Security Enhancement,” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Volme-9, Issue-2, December, 2019, ISSN:2249-8958
  28. Congestion Management Considering Economic and Efficient Generation Rescheduling,” International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Volume-8, Issue-1S4, June 2019. ISSN: 2277-3878
  29. Machine Learning Based Prediction Model for Monitoring Power System Security,” Advances in Decision Sciences, Image Processing, Security and Computer Vision, Springer, pp. 443-450, 2019.
  30. Congestion Management in Deregulated Environment Aided by Demand Side Response,” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 8, pp. 1351-1362, 2020. ISSN:2005-4238, E-ISSN:2207-6360.
  31. Chaotic Darwinian Particle Swarm Optimization for Real-Time Hierarchical Congestion Management of Power System Integrated with Renewable Energy Sources,” International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 128, January 2021
  1. Monitoring the effects of On-Load Tap Changing Transformers on Voltage Stability”, IEEE International Conference on Power System Technology – POWERCON 2004, Singapore, 21-24 November 2004.
  2. Identification of critical On-Load Tap Changing Transformers based on Voltage stability criteria”, International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering Recent Advances IIT, Roorkee, September 28th to Oct 1st, 2005.
  3. Reactive Power Scheduling with different objectives”, International Seminar and Tutorial on Power Transmission Research Interests and Challenges, CPRI, Bangalore, 20-22 December 2005.
  4. Utilization of Transmission Network by Individual Generators: A case study on part of Indian system”, International Conference on Power System Operation in Deregulated Regime, ICPSODR-2006, Varanasi. 06-07 March 2006.
  5. Fuzzy – Expert Approach for Voltage-Reactive Power Dispatch”, 2006IEEE Power India Conference, Delhi, April 10-12, 2006.
  6. Generators Contribution towards loads and Line Flows- A Case study”, 2006 IEEE Power India Conference, Delhi, April 10-12, 2006.
  7. Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch based on Voltage Stability Criteria in a Large Power System with AC/DC and FACTS Devices,” 2006 International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES-2006, New Delhi, 12-15 December 2006.
  8. Congestion Management In Open Access Based On Relative Electrical Distances Approach,” 14th National Power System Conference NPSC-2006 at the Department of Electrical Engineering, IITR, Roorkee, during December 27-29, 2006.
  9. Multi-Objective comparison of GA and LP techniques for generator reactive power optimization,” IEEE fifth Power India Conference  at the Department of Electrical Engineering, DheenbandhuChhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal, Haryana, during December 19-22, 2012.
  10. An Expert System Approach of Congestion Management for Security and Economy Oriented Power System Operation”, An IEEE sponsored 9th international conference on Power and Energy (IPEC 2010) during 27th to 29th October, 2010 in Singapore.
  11. Congestion Management for Security oriented power System operation using Generation Rescheduling”, An IEEE sponsored 11th international conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS 2010) during 14th to 17th June, 2010 in Singapore.
  12. Radial load bus voltage control and distribution VAR Dispatch” 16th National Power System Conference NPSC-2010 at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University College of Engineering, Osmania University  during December 15-17, 2010.
  13. Impact of Voltage and Power Factor change on Primary Distribution Feeder Power Loss in Radial and Loop Types of Feeders” An IEEE sponsored International conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering and Energy Management organized by IEEE- Power and Energy Society Chapter AVIT at Chennai during 13-15 December 2012. 
  14. RBF Neural Network Approach for Security Assessment and Enhancement”, IEEE PES T&D Conference and Exposition, 2014, USA.
  15. Security Assessment and enhancement using RBFNN with Feature selection”, IEEE sponsored  North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 1-5, 2014, USA
  16. Genetic Algorithm and Linear Programming Approach for Minimizing Power Loss” IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO) –2015
  17. PSO based optimal reactive power dispatch for voltage profile improvement”,2015 IEEE Power, Communication and Information Technology Conference (PCITC),15-17 Oct. 2015
  18. Improving Voltage Stability by Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Based on Genetic Algorithm and Linear Programming Technique”, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), 3rd-5th March, 2016
  19. Role of Measurements set in WLS State Estimation”, 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Engineering Trends, Communication, Optimization and Sciences (EEECOS)-2016, 1st – 2nd June, 2016.
  20. Improving Voltage Stability by Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Based on Genetic Algorithm and Linear Programming Technique” IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) – 2016
  21. Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for optimal Reactive Power Dispatch to Improve Voltage Stability” 2016  IEEEInternational Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]
  22. Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Based On Particle Swarm Optimization and LP Technique2016 IEEE  International Conference on Emerging Technological Trends [ICETT]
  23. Voltage Stability Enhancement Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and LP Technique” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technological Trends [ICET
  24. Fault Tolerant Control For Static Synchronous Series Compensator Using ANN” IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) – 2016
  25. An Approach to Identify Critical On Load Tap Changing (OLTC) Transformers under Network Contingencies” IEEE Seventh POWER INDIA International Conference 2016,
  26. Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm Based Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch to Improve Voltage Stability” IEEE 2017 International Conference on circuits Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]
  27. Locational Marginal Price Based Optimal Location of UPFC for Power System Security Improvement,” International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Engineering, Hyderabad, 11th - 13th April, 2018.
  28. A Modified Algorithm for Power System State Estimation”, International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Engineering, 2018
  29. Comparison of State Estimation Process on Transmission and Distribution Systems”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE), 2019
  30. A Modified Bacterial Foraging Algorithm Based Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch”, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol. 13, 2019

Prof. M. Manjula

  1. M. Manjula, A V R S Sarma, Sukumar Mishra, “Empirical Mode Decomposition with Hilbert Transform for Classification of Voltage Sag causes using Probabilistic Neural Network”, International Journal on Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol.44, pp. 597-603, January 2013.
  2. M. Manjula, A.V.R.S. Sarma and G.V. Naga Lakshmi “Wavelet Transform for Classification of Voltage Sag Causes using Probabilistic Neural Network”, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, ISSN 0974-2158 Volume 4, No.3, pp. 299-309, 2011.
  3. M. Manjula, A V R S Sarma, “Comparison of Empirical Mode Decomposition and Wavelet Based Classification of Power Quality Events”, ENERGY Procedia, Elsevier, 2011.
  4. M. Manjula, A V R S Sarma “Classification of Voltage Sag Causes using Probabilistic Neural Network and Hilbert – Huang Transform”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 - 8887) Vol.1, No. 20, 2010.
  5. Farah Fahem Hussain, M. Manjula “Power Quality Improvement with Renewable sources for non-Linear load with PI and Fuzzy Controller” IJIRSET Journal, Vol- 5, Issue – 5, April 2016.
  6. Vijender Reddy S, Manjula M, “Calculation of Voltages and Power Losses with Multiple DG Units with Change of Load”, Springer book, Advances in Decision Science, Image Processing, Security and Computer Vision, Learning and Analytics in Intelligent System, 2019, Vol.4, pp. 335-344.
  7. B. Sravanthi, K.A.Aravind, V. Kamaraju, Manjula M, “Condition assessment of composite insulators removed from service”, Springer book, Advances in Decision Science, Image Processing, Security and Computer Vision, Learning and Analytics in Intelligent System, 2019, Vol.4, pp. 398-405.
  1. Vijender Reddy S, Manjula M, “The Optimal Size of Multiple DG Units in Distribution Network with Change of Load” IEEE-2019 Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT), pp.1-6, Bangalore, India, Oct 18-20,2019.
  2. Vijender Reddy S, Manjula M, “Optimal Planning of Multiple Distributed Generation Units in Distribution Network using Ant Colony Search Algorithm”, International Conference Innovative on Technologies in Engineering, (ICITE-2018),11th-13th April, 2018.
  3. A Sangeetha Yamini, Manjula Mane “Mitigation of Harmonics in an AC Microgrid with Passive and Active Filters” 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Engineering Trends, Communication, Optimization and Sciences, May 2016.
  4. M. Manjula, A V R S Sarma, “Assessment of Power Quality Events by Empirical Mode Decomposition based Neural Network”, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2012, Vol. II WCE 2012, July 4 - 6, 2012, London, U.K.
  5. M. Manjula, Sukumar Mishra, A V R S Sarma, “Empirical Mode Decomposition based Probabilistic Neural Network for faults classification”, International Conference on Power and  Energy systems IIT Chennai,  December 22-24, 2011.
  6. M. Manjula, A V R S Sarma, Sukumar Mishra, “Detection and classification of Voltage sag causes based on Empirical Mode Decomposition”, International Conference INDICON-2011, BITs, Pilani, Hyderabad, December 16-18, 2011.
  7. M. Manjula, A V R S Sarma, Sukumar Mishra,“Faults Classification for Voltage Sag Causes based on Empirical Mode Decomposition with Hilbert Transform”, International Conference on Control, Communication and Power Engg., Pune, November 7-8, 2011, Springer Publications. 
  8. S. Asha Kiranmai, M. Manjula, A V R S Sarma, “Mitigation of Various Power Quality Problems using Unified Series Shunt Compensator in PSCAD/EMTDC.” 16th National Power System Conference, 15th-17th December 2010.
  9. M. Manjula, A.V.R.S. Sarma and Sarada Devi “Detection of Power Quality Disturbances based on Empirical Mode Decomposition with Hilbert Transform” National Conference on Power System Planning, Operation and Optimization (PSPOO), J. N. T. U, Kakinada, 2011. (Awarded Best Paper in Power Systems Session).
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M.E. (PES) Scheme of Instructions & Syllabus 2021-2022.
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B.E. (W.P-EEE) Scheme of Instruction, Evaluation and Syllabi With effect from Academic Year 2024-25
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Revised M.E./M.Tech. (All Branches) - Composite Materials (Open Elective) Subject 2023-2024.
M.E. (PS) Scheme of Instructions & Syllabus 2023-2024.
M.E. (PES) Scheme of Instructions & Syllabus 2023-2024.
M.E. (IDC) Scheme of Instructions & Syllabus 2023-2024.
B.E. EEE-Syllabus for III & IV-Semester & Scheme of Instructions 2023-2024
Revised Syllabus of M.E./M.Tech. (Open Elective) Operation Research (All Branches) 2022-2023.
B.E. EEE-Syllabus for I & II-Semester & Scheme of Instructions 2022-2023.
M.E. (IDC) Scheme of Instructions & Syllabus 2019-2020.
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B.E. Syllabus for VII & VIII-Semester & Scheme of Instructions AICET Model 2021-2022.
B.E. Syllabus for V & VI-Semester & Scheme of Instructions AICET Model 2020-2021.
B.E. Syllabus for III &IV-Semester & Scheme of Instructions AICET Model 2019-2020.
M.E./M.Tech Scheme of Instructions & Syllabus 2018-2019.
B.E. Syllabus for I & II-Semester & Scheme of Instructions AICET Model 2018-2019.
1st year , 1st semester , BEE subject syllabus for (BME, EEE,ECE, CSE,ME,CIVIL) (AICTE model) 2018-2019.
1st year , 1st semester , BEE Lab syllabus for (ECE, CSE,ME,BME) (AICTE model) 2018-2019.
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B.E.Scheme of Instructions for 2016-2017
B.E.I YEAR -I Semester
B.E.I YEAR -II Semester
B.E.II YEAR -III & IV Semester Syllabus for 2016-2017
B.E.III YEAR -V & VI Semester Syllabus for 2017-2018
B.E.IV Year I & II-Semester Scheme & Syllabus