Almanac for B.E. VI-SEM (WP-CEEP) Academic Year 2024-2025. || Almanac for MCA. II-SEM Academic Year 2024-2025. || Press Note for English Communication Skills and Personality Development from 17th February 2025. || Press Note for English Communication Skills and Personality Development from 10th february 2025.||
Phone No.: 040-27682378

The Department of Chemistry was established in the College of Engineering way back in 1961, to cater the needs of the students of Civil and Mechanical Engineering the oldest branches of Engineering in the field of Engineering Chemistry. In course of time, with addition of more branches to Engineering and the rapid development of the Material Science the scope and the role played by Chemistry has widened and increased. The Subject has come to stay as an essential part of Engineering Curriculum for all the branches of Engineering.

Educational Programmes

Engineering and applied Chemistry covering the advanced topics such as Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, Carbohydrates Membrane Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Water Chemistry and Corrosion and its control that suits the needs of the respective Engineering branches, is taught in the first and second semester of the BE first year. Chemical, Instrumental and Analytical Techniques are incorporated in the Lab Work.

Head of the Department & Professor
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Prof. P. Saritha Rajender (Emp. ID- 32131)


Research Specialization

Physical Chemistry Solid State Electro Chemistry and Corrosion Science

Assistant Professor (Contract)
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Ms.V. Vani (Emp. ID- --)


Research Specialization

Assistant Professor (Contract)
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Ms.G.Sujatha (Emp. ID- --)


Research Specialization

Assistant Professor (Contract)
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Ms.Sreedevi (Emp. ID- --)


Research Specialization

Assistant Professor (Contract)
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Ms. P. Reshma Reddy (Emp. ID- --)


Research Specialization

The Faculty is actively involved in guiding Research work leading to Ph.D in the field of Electrochemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Photochemistry and UV-VIS Spectrophotometry and also Enantiomeric separation by HPLC method.

Prof. B.Satyanarayana has produced 4 Ph.D’s and has got 30 papers to his credit. Presently 6 scholars are working for their Ph.D programme under his guidance.

Prof. P. Yadagiri Swamy has produced 15 publications and presently 6 scholars are pursuing their Ph.D’s programme under him.

Prof. A. Panasa Reddy has produced 18 publications to his credit and presently 3 scholars are pursing their Ph.D programme under him.

Important events of the Departments

We have conducted a refresher course in practical (laboratory) physics in our department for the college teachers in the year 2000. Teachers from all over the country participated in the course.

During academic years 2004 – 2005 and 2005 – 2006 the student seminar on different emerging topics in Engineering physics, were conducted in the Department. The response from the students was very good.

Recently (March 2008) Extension Lectures on Nanomaterials by an eminent Scientist form IICT, Hyderabad were arranged for both teachers and as well as for students.

Publications (Journals/Conferences/Books) of faculty

The faculty members are also carrying the research and publishing work regularly in national and international journals.

All the teaching staff members are recognized research supervisors. They have produced 5 Ph.D.’s and have published 60 research papers in National and International Journals.

If University gives the permission our department is very much interested to establish M.Sc.Tech (Energy Physics) or M.Tech (Nanomaterials).