Almanac for B.E. VI-SEM (WP-CEEP) Academic Year 2024-2025. || Almanac for MCA. II-SEM Academic Year 2024-2025. || Press Note for English Communication Skills and Personality Development from 17th February 2025. || Press Note for English Communication Skills and Personality Development from 10th february 2025.||

Curriculum Development, Audit And Accreditation Cell

Curriculum Development, Audit and Accreditaticn Oeltr (CDAAC)

The office of the CDAAC is looking after all academic nnatters relating to both undergraduate and post graduate students of the University College of Engineering (Autonomous). CDAAC is essential for an autonomous college to design and implementation of curriculum. On a continuous basis, the CDAAC office takes measures to enhance academic standards and quality of higher education following the AICTE and UGC guidelines. This includes in tune with the requirements innovation and improvements in curriculum, teaching-learning process, examination & evaluation systems and remedial teaching. lt also accomplishing the vision of the institution into the learning community with multidisciplinary and multitasking skills. CDAAC functioning as a backbone in the continuous process of designing the curriculum and developing the course to provide an updated education to the students.


The University College of Engineering (Autonomous), Osmania University adopted AICTE model curriculum from the academic year 2018-19. As per the AICTE model curriculum, the college is following a range of credits from 160 to 170 for a student to be eligible to get Under Graduate degree in Engineering. The college also introduced an honors and minors programs in the academic year 2023-24. A student will be eligible to get Under Graduate degree with Honors/lVlinor Engineering, if he/she completes an additional 18 credits. Honors is an additional credential for a student to earn, if she/he does 18 credits worth of additional courses in her/his own discipline. The concerned department specifies the set of courses for earning Honors degree. [4inor is an additional credentialfor a student to earn, if she/he does 18 credits worlh of additional courses in a discipline other than her/his major discipline of B.E. programs. All departments of the college offer minors in their disciplines, and will prescribe a specific set of courses andior projects necessary for earning a Minor degree in that discipline.


The college has also adopted an Absolute Grading System from the academic year2018-2019 for all UG programmes. As a measure of student's performance, a 1O-scale grading system using the letter grades and corresponding grade points per credit shall be followed. Grading will be done based on the total marks obtained by the student in that course.


Furlher, the college has been working on internal quality assurance by initiating academic audit of the evaluation and assessment process. The CDAAC office also enables seeking accreditation from National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi. Currently, the college has NBA accreditation for its undergraduate and post graduate programs which demonstrate our commitment to excellence and continuous quality improvement.


Following On The Function Of CDAAC:

  • Revision and Curriculum development.
  • Auditing of Examination System.
  • Standardization of Procedure for implementation of Seminars, Projects and Practical Examinations.
  • Enhancing the quality of Teaching and learning process.
  • Preparation for Accreditation by various agencies.




Prof. A.Krishnaiah,

Mech., UCE, O.U