Almanac for B.E. VI-SEM (WP-CEEP) Academic Year 2024-2025. || Almanac for MCA. II-SEM Academic Year 2024-2025. || Press Note for English Communication Skills and Personality Development from 17th February 2025. || Press Note for English Communication Skills and Personality Development from 10th february 2025.||

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Biomedical Engineering (BME) constitutes human beings earliest efforts to understand the living world in terms of the basic sciences and to comprehend the body mechanism in terms of their technological creations. Biomedical Engineering involves the study and application of engineering processes for diagnosis and therapy. It is a rapidly changing interdisciplinary domain, in which each branch of engineering interacts with a number of other disciplines to yield a fundamental understanding of health maintenance processes and improved diagnosis, optimal interventional (surgical, therapeutic & rehabilitative) procedures, prosthesis and organ assist systems, health care systems performance and econometrics. Osmania University is the first University to start Biomedical Engineering at undergraduate level in the country. The course was started in the year 1982 with an intake of 10 students in the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering. An exclusive Biomedical Engineering Department was formed in the year 1993 to give the much needed thrust to Programme. The student intake was enhanced to 30 in the year 1996.The Department moved to its present premises in the year 1997.

The Department has been engaged in research and consultancy projects. It received research grants from various government agencies such as AICTE; UGC, DST, TEQIP (Phase I & II) etc., The Department established a Biomedical Instrumentation centre (BMIC) to cater to the needs of medical profession. The B.E (BME) programme of the department has been accredited by the NBA for the five years with effect from August 2013. The B.E (BME) programme has got reaccreditation by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) for a maximum of six years up to sept 2025. The faculty members of the department are also active, effective and acknowledged contributors to UPE project of the UGC. The Department has also started Post Graduate program in Biomedical Electronics in the academic year 2006-2007. The total floor space of 10800 sft. houses class rooms, laboratories and other amenities.


To coherently work with medical professionals in providing effective and affordable healthcare


M1 To produce biomedical engineering graduates who can understand and apply basic engineering principles to solve the problems of the medical field.

M2 To develop biomedical engineers to conceive innovative strategies for designing and developing medical equipment, implants, and other devices of immense use to the society.


PEO1 Exhibit strong skills in problem solving, leadership, teamwork and enterprise management.
PEO2 Be able to effectively communicate with healthcare professionals to know their problems and provide effective solutions.
PEO3 Use the skills to contribute to the scientific and engineering needs of the society in general and the Biomedical field in particular.
PEO4 Pursue research degrees and practice technical competency as professionals in Biomedical Engineering or allied fields.
PEO5 sustain professional development in their fields and advance to positions of greater responsibility with life-long learning.


PO1 Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems
PO2 Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6 The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11 Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12 Lifelong learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.
PS01 To interact with health care professionals and medical R&D institutions in solving their problems
PS02 To indigenize medical products through start-ups so as to provide affordable health care.
Professor & Head of the Department
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Prof. M.Malini (Emp. ID- 46004)


Areas of Interests

Biomedical Instrumentation, Biomedical Signal processing, EOG Analysis, Biomechanics

Associate Professor - Chair person-Board of Studies,OU.
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Dr.D.Suman (Emp. ID- 46006 )

B.E, M.E, PhD. Vidwan Profile ID:

Areas of Interests

Biomedical Instrumentation, Biomedical Signal processing, Movement disorders, Cognitive Sciences and neurosignal processing

Assistant Professor
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Dr.M.Srinivas (Emp. ID- 46008)

M.E. Ph.D.

Areas of Interests

BioMedical Equipment, Instrumentation, Hospital Administration & Management

Assistant Professor- Chair person-Board of Studies,UCE,OU.
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Ms G.Shravanya (Emp. ID- 46007)

M.S., (Ph. D.)

Areas of Interests

Tissue Engineering, Sensors, Biomaterials

Assistant Professor
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Dr.K.E.Ch. Vidyasagar (Emp. ID- 46009)

B..Tech., M.Tech., PhD.

Areas of Interests

Medical Devices. Laser Surface Texturing. Micro texturing of Materials/Freeform Components. Tribo-corrosion study of medical implants. Additive Manufacturing. Robotics. BCI. Assistive Devices.

Assistant Professor(Contract)
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Ms. B.Gayathri (Emp. ID- 801771)

M.Tech. (Ph.D.)

Areas of Interests

Biomedical Instrumentation, Medical Image Processing and Signal processing, Control systems

Assistant Professor(Contract)
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Mr.Kiran Kore (Emp. ID- 801772)


Areas of Interests

Biomedical Instrumentation, Laser applications in Medicine

Assistant Professor(Contract)
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Dr. Harish Kuchulakanti (Emp. ID- 801773)


Areas of Interests

Medical Image Processing, Embedded Systems, Biomedical Signal Processing

Guest Faculty- Retd.Professor of Osmania Medical College
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Prof.B.Ramreddy (Emp. ID- ----)

MD Physiology, Ph.D in Physiology

Areas of Interests

Physiology Neurology Cell physiology

Guest Faculty : Professor of Anatomy, Osmania Medical College
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Dr.M.Padmavathi (Emp. ID- ---)


Areas of Interests


Guest Faculty : Professor of Physiology, Osmania Medical College
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Dr.R.Anitha (Emp. ID- ---)


Areas of Interests


Guest Faculty : Professor of Biochemistry, Osmania Medical College
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Dr.Sujatha Rani (Emp. ID- ---)


Areas of Interests


Guest Faculty : Professor of Nephrology, Durgabhai Deshmukh Hospital & Research Center, (DDH & RC)
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Dr.Krishna Kumar (Emp. ID- ---)


Areas of Interests


Guest Faculty : Professor of gastoenterology, Durgabhai Deshmukh Hospital & Research Center, (DDH & RC)
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Dr.Trivikram (Emp. ID- ---)

MD in gastroenterology

Areas of Interests


Guest Faculty- Professor of Neurology, Durgabhai Deshmukh Hospital & Research Center(DDH & RC)
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Dr.Ramanarayana Rao (Emp. ID- ---)

MD in Neurology

Areas of Interests


Guest Faculty : Professor of General Surgery, Durgabhai Deshmukh Hospital & Research Center, (DDH & RC)
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Dr.Goutham (Emp. ID- ---)

MD in General Surgery

Areas of Interests

general Surgery

Guest Faculty : Professor of Anesthesia, Durgabhai Deshmukh Hospital & Research Center, (DDH & RC)
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Dr.Chaitanya (Emp. ID- ---)

MD in Anesthesia

Areas of Interests


Guest Faculty : Professor of Cardiology, Durgabhai Deshmukh Hospital & Research Center, (DDH & RC)
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Dr.Reshma (Emp. ID- ---)

MD in Cardiology

Areas of Interests


Courses offered :





Mode of admission

Commencement of the program



(Biomedical Engineering)

(NBA Accredited 2019-25)


TSEAMCET –MPC counseling


(First university in  India to start UG program in BME)


TSEAMCET –BiPC counseling


TSECET lateral entry



(Biomedical Electronics)





Sponsored category



(Biomedical Engineering)

 As per the vacancies exist



Category-II through OU PhD entrance test

Category-III under QIP



Career Opportunities for Biomedical Engineers :

  • MNC’s like SIEMENS MEDICAL SOLUTIOINS as a Biomedical Engineer.
  • IIT’s or Universities in India/Abroad for Masters Programme or Ph.D programme.
  • Hospitals as a Biomedical Engineer.
  • KPO (Knowledge Process out Sourcing) based Companies as a Knowledge Scientist.
  • IP (Intellectual Property) field.
  • Society as a good Entrepreneur.
Field Organizations
Hospitals Kamineni, Global, Apollo, CARE, Medicity, Gandhi, NIMS, Yashoda, Vasan Eye care, Oxygen, rainbow childrens hospital, innova, Galaxy etc
Medical Device companies Siemens Medical, GE healthcare, L & T medical, Philips medical, BPL medical, Novartis healthcare, Medisun, Pricol medical systems, Jhonson & Jhonson, Covedien - Delhi, Medtronic, Baxter,Boston scientific, Veol Medical Technologies, vTitan Corporation Pvt. Ltd, Relisys Medical Devices Limited , MediVed Innovations Etc.
Knowledge process Outsoursing based companies & IPR Related field Evalue Serve – Delhi, CPA Global – Delhi, Scitech – Hyderabad,Pangea3 - Mumbai,Dolcera – Hyderabad,
Research Opportunities IISC, IIT’s, CSIR institutes, CCMB, IICT, NIMHANS (DRDO), Universities, DEBEL, Many of the universities in abroad are offering research positions in Biomedical Engineering.
Higher Education India(IIT’, IISC,NIT’s, Central Universities, State Universities, Deemed Universities like MIT, SRM, VIT, Satyabhama etc,. ) & Abroad(Most of the universities in USA, Germany, Sweden, nether lands, UK, Switzerland offers MS in Biomedical Engineering , and the sample are Georgia, KTH Royal, Wisconsin, Texas, South western Medical center Dallas etc,.
Public sector in India HSCC, NIMHANS, HLL, DEBEL, ESI Govt Hospitals, All the government hospitals & Medical Colleges of the state and central government.


Distinguished Alumni


Name of the Alumni

Designation & Organization


Ravi Bellamkonda


Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, United States. 


Jayanth Katta


Regulator Director, Head of Notified Body for medicalevices, BSI, USA.


Shailendra M


Director, Skanray Technologies, Mysore, Karnataka



Rajesh K Rapolu


Senior MRI/CT Engineer at Agiliti Health (Radiographic Equipment Services), Placentia, California, United States



 IP Division , Phillips, Ltd.


Sridhar Narayan Porindla

CEO, SNC, Hyderabad


Swapna chirala


Manager, Regulatory Compliance at Verathon Inc., subsidiary of Roper Technologies, Inc., Bellevue, Washington, United States.


V. Srilakshmi

Senior Manager, Product Management, Thermo fisher Scientific, USA


Chaithanya Krishna Mummidisetty


Quality Engineer Internship Boston Scientific Corporation Miami, F1.




Head, Biomedical Engineering division, NIMS, Hyderabad.


Vinay Korlepara

Program Manager at Philips, Pune, Maharashtra, India 


The faculty of the department is actively involving in research activities in collaboration with various organizations such as EMRI, and hospitals like DDH &RC, NIMS, CARE, Apollo etc. for the development of a number of medical instruments for immediate use of doctors such as bedside monitors, blood-gas analyzers and auto analyzers of corporate hospitals. The staff has designed and developed computer-assisted prescription system (CAPS) that caters to the needs of doctors at primary health centers and district hospitals, helping them in the diagnosis and treatment of about 100 common diseases that afflict the national populace. The faculty is awarded with patent for “cryoshoe” RF renal ablation system.

The Department has been engaged in research and consultancy projects. It received research grants from various government agencies such as AICTE; UGC, DST, TEQIP (Phase I, II & III) etc., The Department established a Biomedical Instrumentation centre (BMIC) to cater to the needs of medical profession. The faculty members of the department are also active, effective and acknowledged contributors to UPE project of the UGC. The faculty members of the department are engaged in the following areas of research.

The research contribution made by the faculty has been commendable in terms of the publications and patents applied.

Research/Consultancy Projects

Name of Principal Investigator

Funding Agency



Title of the Project

Grant Received(Rs.In Lakhs)






Design and development of a Radio frequency generator for hyperthermia therapy to treat cancerous cells by using biocompatible nano-ferrites



Dr. D. Suman




Smart shoes-An advanced aid for the Freezing of gait for the PD patients



Dr. D. Suman




Analysis of Local filed potentials of PD patients under DBS to find the potential biomarkers



Mr.M.Venkateswara Rao  & Mr.M.Srinivas




Gait Analysis in Parkinson’s disease



Prof. M.Malini




Analysis of Fetal Heart rate variability



Mr. D.Suman




A holistic therapeutic approach of Yoga and Meditation for the Hypertension- A clinical study on the Autonomic Control system



Mr.K.E.Ch.Vidya Sagar Mrs.G.Shravanya




Design and development of A Multi biological parameters based integrated system



Prof. M. Malini




Wireless Data Acquisition system for vital sign monitoring




Mr. D.Suman




Design and Development of a Fuzzy Expert system for the mitigation of drowsy driving of the heavy vehicles



Mr. K.E.Ch.Vidyasagar




Design and Development of automatic epilepsy detection and classification system





Patents Granted

S.No. Patents of the department Granted Year
1 “Mobile Controlled multi drug infusion system” By Mr. K.E.Ch. Vidyasagar, & Dr. Sudesh Sivarasu,
Patent No.: 304847 for 20 years.
2 “Mobile Controlled multi drug delivery system” By Mr. K.E.Ch. Vidyasagar, & Dr. Sudesh Sivarasu,
Patent No.: 288750 for 20 years.

Patents Applied

S.No. Patents of the department
1  “A Portable device for Automated cradle movement” 
Ref No: 201741007378, dated: 03-02-2017
2 “Portable Non-invasive multi-wavelength photo plethysmographic measuring technique for Hemoglobin"
Ref No: 201641039799, dated: 22-11-2016
3 “Cryo probe used in Cardiac surgery” 
Ref No: 6317/CHE/2014, dated:16/12/2014
4 “Syncope detection emergency messaging” by Mr.Aravind, Ms.Soundarya and Mr. M.Venkateswara Rao 
Ref No: 1639/CHE/2009
5 Tarunasri, a Former student(2008) has done her project work on Enzyme Field Effect Transfer (ENFET) For Estimation of Triglycerides Using Magnetic Nano particles at CCMB under Dr. Madhusudan Rao, Deputy Director and got a patent  Ref. No. H01R31/00
6 “ Intelligent system for monitoring and balancing of battery voltage”
Ref. No: 201741047449 A, dated: 05/01/2018.
M/S Amara raja Batteries Limited- R.Narayan, M.Venkateswarulu, M.Venkateswara Rao,  M.Jagadish


  • Biomedical Instrumentation Centre (BMIC) under the Department of Biomedical Engineering in 1994.

It meets the following objectives:

  • Calibration and testing of the Electro-Medical Equipment
  • Maintain Electro-Medical Equipment already supplied to the Hospitals.
  • Hospital Design, Planning, Procurement of Medical Equipment.
  • BMIC has executed an order on Operation Theatre table control board, repair of PCBs in Thumbay Hospitals, and generated an amount of Rs. 1.8 lakhs IRG.
  • BMIC has executed an order on NABH Biomedical Equipments calibration in Lotus Hospitals and Rise Hospitals, Hyderabad for an amount of Rs. 2.35 lakhs.
  • Internal Revenue generated in 2018-19 is Rs. 4.15 Lakh.
  • Mr. M.Venkateswara Rao is a Technical Advisor and Mentor for BIG Grant (DBT) projects, worth 50 Lakhs each to two Startup Companies, viz., Chrogene Aarogyam Biotech pvt. Ltd. and CYONICS cyto solutions
  • Mr. M.Venkateswara Rao is associated with industry as a consultant to M/S. Amara raja Batteries Limited.

Software: Turbo C, MATLAB R2019a, MIMICS software, NI Lab view, Auto CAD, ORCAD, PCB Prototype software and Grammarly.

Hardware: Major Equipment in the Laboratories

S.No Equipment
1 EEG 10-20  Electrode cap
2 Calibration  Equipment
3 Driving simulator
4 Motorized Wheel Chair
5 Microprocessors (8085, 8086) and Microcontrollers Boards (PIC, 8051) and their interfacing kits.
6 Clinical Analyzer
7 AD Instruments Computerized Data Acquisition System
8 PCB prototype machine
9 Sensor Development Boards
10 TMT Machine
11 100MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope
12 National Instruments ELVIS II+ Development board
13 DSP 2X, 6X processors
14 X - Ray  Machine
15 Surgical Diathermy
16 Digital Polygraph
17 Vacuum Pump
18 1 GHz Spectrum Analyzer & Fourier Synthesis Trainer
19 Design Lab
20 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
21 Blood Cell Counter
22 ECG Recorder
23 Flame Photometer
24 100MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope
25 Medi Embedded Systems with 37 Sensors
Library facility
  1. Well established Seminar Library with around 3000 books.
  2. Subscribed for the ISOI Journal from the year 2011-12.
  3. PCs with internet/Wi-Fi connectivity and UPS facility.

Recent Publications in the Department of BME, UCEOU


  1. Dr. M. Malini, A. Ushasri, Algorithm for Extraction of Time domain and linear Features of FHRV in Advanced Engineering Optimization through Intelligent Techniques, Lecture notes in Mechanical Engg., Springer.
  2. Ishita Allu, Ajay Kumar Sahi, Pooja Kumari, Karunya Sakhile, Alina Sionkowska, Shravanya Gundu,  A Brief Review on Cerium Oxide (CeO2NPs)-Based Scaffolds: Recent Advances in Wound Healing Applications, Micromachines 2023, 14, 865. Impact Factor- 3.523.
  1. Shravanya Gundu, Ajay Kumar Sahi, Pooja Kumari, Niraj K. Vishwakarma, Sanjeev Kumar Mahto, Assessment of various forms of cellulose-based Luffa cylindrica (mat, flakes and powder) reinforced polydimethylsiloxane composites for oil sorption and organic solvents absorption, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 240 (2023) 124416, Elsevier.
  2. Srinivas. M, Krupa Rani G, Dr. Anthony Vipin Das, D. Suman, Design and development of a Pupilometer for the automatic detection of Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect,  Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 13086-13101.
  3. Dr. D. Suman, Prof. M. Malini, Drowsiness detection by the dynamics of oculomotor system: EEG and EOG signal analysis to model the oculomotor system for detection of drowsiness,‎ LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (November 17, 2022)
  4. Ajay Kumar Sahi, Shravanya Gundu, Pooja Kumari, Tomasz Klepka and Alina Sionkowska, "Silk-Based Biomaterials for Designing Bio inspired Micro architecture for Various Biomedical Applications", Journal of Biomimetics 2023, 8, 55. 10.3390/biomimetics8010055.
  5. Mrs. B. Gayathri presented a paper titled Review of EGG and Speech processing techniques for glottal activity detection in Seventh International Joint Colloquiums on Computer Electronics Electrical Mechanical and Civil CEMC 2022 during 29-30 October 2022, Mumbai India.
  6. Ushasri, Dr. M. Malini, S. Sreeja and K. Meghana, "Extraction of Morphological, Time domain and Non-linear Features of FHR Signals" in 2022 First International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT), 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICEEICT53079.2022.9768509.
  7. BE Student Pavani Thadem presented a paper titled BCI-based home hardware automation system at the 36th Annual meeting of the Society for Neurochemistry India (SNCI) and International Conference on One Health and Translational Research in Neurosciences jointly organized by Dr. G.M. Taori Central India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur and IIIT Nagpur from 10-12 November 2022.
  8. BE student Anantha Sai has won an II prize in the paper presentation titled Early Diagnosis for Prenatal Asphyxia using Deep Learning in a National level technical symposium, Promethean 2K22 held during 12-13 October 2022 in BVRIT, Narsapur.
  9. Shravanya Gundu, Ajay Kumar Sahi, Neelima Varshney, Johny Varghese, Niraj K. Vishwakarma & Sanjeev Kumar Mahto (2022): Fabrication and in vitro characterization of luffa-based composite scaffolds incorporated with gelatin, hydroxyapatite and psyllium husk for bone tissue engineering, Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, DOI: 10.1080/09205063.2022.2101415.
  10. A. Ushasri and Dr. M. Malini, Classification of FHR signals based on Morphological features, ECS transactions (SCOPUS), The Electrochemical Society, Volume 107, Number 1, 2022.
  11. A. Ushasri, Dr. M. Malini, S. Sreeja and K. Meghana, Simulation of FHR signals with Abnormal Variability, Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology (SCOPUS), Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2022.
  12. Arnab sikidar, K.E. Ch. Vidyasagar, Manish Gupta, Bhavuk garg, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Classification of mild and severe adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) from healthy subjects via a supervised learning model based on electromyogram and ground reaction force data during gait, Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering Journal, Elsevier, 2022, Impact factor 5.687.


  1. Meenakshi Verma, Abhishek Rana, Koyyana E. Ch. Vidyasagar, Dinesh Kalyanasundaram, Sampa Saha, Protein Patterning On Microtextured Polymeric Nanobrush Templates Obtained By Nanosecond Fiber Laser, Macro Molecular Bioscience Journal, Wiley, Volume 22, Issue 5, May 2022, Impact factor 5.859. https://Doi.Org/10.1002/Mabi.202100454
  2. Madhusudhanan, J., Gundu, S., Kavitha, K., Abirami, D., Manickam, R., & Ahamed, N. M. I. (2022). Role of nanomaterials with special reference to pharmaceutical technology. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S3), 7210–7227,
  3. Gundu, Shravanya, Varshney, N., Sahi, A. K., & Mahto, S. K. (2022) Recent developments of biomaterial scaffolds and regenerative approaches for craniomaxillofacial bone tissue engineering. Journal of Polymer Research, 29(3), 1-23.
  4. Sahi, Ajay Kumar, Pooja Verma, Neelima Varshney, Shravanya Gundu, and Sanjeev Kumar Mahto. "Revisiting Methodologies for In Vitro Preparations of Advanced Glycation End Products." Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (2022): 1-25.
  5. Punithavathi, M., S., Gundu, Sajith, S., Babu, M., Dubey, S., Ahemad, S., (2022)  "Studies On Nanomaterials And Their Applications" Journal of Maharaja Sayajirao university of Baroda.
  6. Ms. G. Shravanya has presented poster presentation at Research and industrial conclave IIT Guwahati. January 20-23.
  7. Yashwanth Vyza, Suman Dabbu, Malini Mudigonda Spectral Power based Index using Wavelet Analysis of EEG for Drowsiness Detection, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 183 - No.46, January 2022.
  8. Dabbu Suman, Ram Reddy B, Bhanu Prasad Marri, Cardio respiratory coupling: A potential biomarker for the early detection of respiratory distress in COVID-19 affected patients, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 12, Issue 12, December-2021.
  9. Ram, A.V., Kuchulakanti, H., Raj, T.S. (2022). Brain Tumor Detection and Classification Using Transfer Learning Technique. In: Smys, S., Tavares, J.M.R.S., Balas, V.E. (eds) Computational Vision and Bio-Inspired Computing. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1420. Springer, Singapore.
  10. Kairamkonda D.D., Bitla S., Kuchulakanti H. (2022) A Review on Biomaterials Based Biosensors for Bilirubin Detection. In: Bindhu V., R. S. Tavares J.M., Ţălu Ş. (eds) Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Inventive Material Science Applications. Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology. Springer, Singapore.


  1. Sri Medha Juloori, D. Suman, Ram Reddy presented paper titled An evidence based approach for the Cognitive deficiency of patients recovered from COVID in the Society for Neurochemistry India (SNCI) Satellite meeting held in collaboration with the APRC Associate School of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), Paris, France organized by the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Education, North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, Meghalaya, India from 30th-October- 1st November, 2021.
  2. Sree Chandana, Shreya and Sushanth Vinjay (SRM University), “ Artificial intelligence based Design and Analysis of Exergaming Compatible Lower Limb Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation of Paediatric Cerebral palsy” paper is accepted for presentation in 2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), Pune during 2-4 April, 2021.


  1. Niharika Gupta, N. Tandon, R. K. Pandey, *K. E. Ch. Vidyasagar* & Dinesh Kalyanasundaram "Tribological and Vibration Studies of Textured Spur Gear Pairs Under Fully Flooded and Starved Lubricating Conditions" published in the Tribology Transactions journal July 2020, vol. 63, no. 6, 1103–1120.
  2. K. E. Ch. Vidyasagar*, b, Abhishek Ranac, and Dinesh Kalyanasundara, "Optimization of laser parameters for improved corrosion resistance of nitinol" published in Materials And Manufacturing Processes Talyor & Francsis Journal, 35:14, 1661-1669, DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2020.1784926, June 2020.
  3. B Sai Lalitha, Dr. M Malini, Mahendran Botlaguntala, "Effect of Chemoradiation on Haematological Parameters In Cervical Cancer", 2nd International Conference on Computational and Bio Engineering, 4th & 5th December 2020 Organized by Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam,  Tirupati. Springer.
  4. B. Sai Lalitha, "Current Treatments and Drugs for COVID-19” Journal of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics, MANTECH Publications, Volume 2 Issue 2 Year 2020.
  5. Ushasri Akkanapalli, Dr. Malini Mudigonda and Apurvasri Palakurti, "Digitization and Analysis of Cardiotocography Records " IEEE HYDCON 2020 conference held in virtual mode during 9-12 September 2020.
  6. B Sai Lalitha, M Venkateswara Rao, Dr. M Malini, Mounica Sravani  “Gene Alterations in Cervical cancer through Computational genomics”, Advance Machine Learning Approaches in Cancer Prognosis: Challenges and Applications, Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Springer, ISSN: 1868-4394 book chapter series (Accepted for publication in October 2020)
  7. Dr. D. Suman’s research paper on "Blood glucose monitoring techniques: Recent Advances, Challenges and Future Perspectives" is published as a chapter in a book by Lambert publishers and is available online.
  8. Ms. B. Sailalitha and Dr. M. Malini, “Review on Regulation of Heat Shock Protein 70 during radiotherapy in cancer patients”, International Conference on Computational and Bio Engineering, (CBE'19) organized by Department of Computer Science and Department of BioScience and Sericulture, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati; (Accepted for publication in Springer series titled Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems)
  9. D. Kairamkonda, S. Chandana Kodimela, and H. Kuchulakanti, "Blind Mate: A Friend to The Blind," 2019 IEEE 16th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 2019, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/INDICON47234.2019.9028921.


  1. Mr. Tadesse Waktola Gamessa and Mr. Dabbu Suman published a paper on "Non-invasive blood glucose monitoring using visible laser light" in Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, volume 12, issue 2, 2019.
  2. Chandana Belly, Sai Poojitha Bonula, Usha Rani Kandukuri, Harish Kuchulakanti "A Review on methods of treatment for Diabetic Foot Ulcer" published in "Advances in Decision Sciences, Image Processing, Security and Computer Vision" Springer through International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE), Vol. 1 held in University College of Engineering (A), Osmania University during 22-23 March, 2019.
  3. B. Sai Lalitha, Dr. M. Malini , Mr. M.Venkateswara Rao, Dr. Aparna Suryadevara, Dr. Rajesh Kotcherlakota, Dr.Chitta Ranjan Patra "Correlation between serum levels of p53 during radiotherapy in cervical cancer patients" published in "Advances in Decision Sciences, Image Processing, Security and Computer Vision" Springer through International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE), Vol. 1 held in University College of Engineering (A), Osmania University during 22-23 March, 2019.
  4. Anitha Chinthoju, Jaya Gayatri Chekka, Ravalika Nadigepu, Harish Kuchulakanti "IoT aided non-invasive NIR blood glucose monitoring device" published in "Advances in Decision Sciences, Image Processing, Security and Computer Vision" Springer through International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE), Vol. 1 held in University College of Engineering (A), Osmania University during 22-23 March, 2019.
  5. B.Dhananjay, M.Srinivas, D.Suman, M. Malini, J. Sivaraman "Fractal Dimension of Fundoscopical Retinal Images for Diagnosing of Diabetic Retinopathy" published in "Advances in Decision Sciences, Image Processing, Security and Computer Vision" Springer through International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE), Vol. 1 held in University College of Engineering (A), Osmania University during 22-23 March, 2019.
  6. Usha Sri, Dr.M.Malini, G.Chandana "Feature extraction of cardiotocography signal" published in "Advances in Decision Sciences, Image Processing, Security and Computer Vision" Springer through International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE), Vol. 1 held in University College of Engineering (A), Osmania University during 22-23 March, 2019.
  7. Harish Kuchulakanti, Chandrasekhar Paidimarry "Early Stage Squamous Cell Lung Cancer detection" published in "Advances in Decision Sciences, Image Processing, Security and Computer Vision" Springer through International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE), Vol. 1 held in University College of Engineering (A), Osmania University during 22-23 March, 2019.
  8. Mr. M. Venkateswara Rao presented a paper titled "Review of active cell balancing technologies" at International Conference on Green Energy technologies for smart cities (GETSC 2018) held in SRM University, Amaravati during 19th-21th December, 2018.
  9. Mr. M. Venkateswara Rao presented a paper titled "Design and realization of an effective and rugged battery management system for lithium-ion battery" at International Conference on Green Energy technologies for smart cities (GETSC 2018) held in SRM University, Amaravati during 19th-21th December, 2018.
  10. Mr. D.Suman, Mr. Vineeth Muppula and Mr. Suraj paper titled "Classification and Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea and Congestive Heart Failure Using DWT Based Statistical Features: An Extensive Study" is accepted for presentation at 15th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON) in November, 2018.
  11. Harish. Kuchulakanti, Chandrasekhar Paidimarry presented a Paper titled "A Novel approach for Lung segmentation and Lung nodule detection", in International Conference on Research Advancements in Applied Engineering Sciences, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICRAAESCCT – 2018) held in B.V. Raju Institute of Technology and Institute For Engineering during 12th-13th July, 2018.
  12. O. M. Sumathi, Malini Mudigonda, “Multisensor data fusion based early warning system for wireless healthcare monitoring”, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER), ISSN (e): 2250 – 3005, Volume.08, Issue.6, June 2018.


  1. O.M.Sumathi, Malini Mudigonda presented a paper titled "Wireless Data Acquisition System for Multi-patient Vital Sign Monitoring In Intensive Care Unit", in IEEE International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Engineering 2018(ICITE OU) during 11th - 13th April, 2018 (In Print).
  2. Harish Kuchulakanti, Mohammad Ibrahim, Rayikanti Tejashwini, Bathula Thejaswi presented a paper titled "Quantification of RBCs and WBCs using image processing techniques", in IEEE International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Engineering 2018(ICITE OU) during 11th - 13th April, 2018(In Print).
  3. Mr. D.Suman and students from NIT Rourkela presented a Paper titled “Implementation of an Arrhythmia Detection Scheme with Cellular based alert Frame Work”, in IEEE-CALCON.
  4. Mr. D.Suman and students from NIT Rourkela presented a paper titled Performance evaluation of different denoising techniques for Physiological signals, in 14th IEEE- IINDICON Conference in December 2017 held at IIT- Rourkela.
  5. Yashwanth Sai Vyza Dabbu Suman, Malini Mudigonda, Ram Reddy B, "ANN-based Joint Time and Frequency Analysis of EEG for Detection of Driver Drowsiness", Defence life science journal, 2017.
  6. Dabbu Suman, Mudigonda Malini, B Ramreddy, "Joint time-frequency analysis of EEG for the drowsiness detection: a study of cognitive behavioural patterns of the brain", International journal of vehicle safety, 2017.
  7. Reddy Vamsi, Dabbu Suman, CH Nikhil, M Malini, "Discrete Wavelet Transform based statistical features for the Drowsiness detection from EEG", The 16th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Springer, Singapore, 2017.
  8. Mr. M. Venkateswara Rao and ME Student published a paper titled “ Real Time Detection of R Peak in QRS Complex of ECG using Micro Controller”, in Indonesia Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
  9.  Harikrishna Mulam and Malini Mudigonda published a paper titled "Optimized Feature Mapping for Eye Movement Recognition using Electro-oculogram Signals", in 8th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies(ICCCNT), New Delhi, during 3rd to 5th July 2017.
  10.  Harikrishna Mulam and Malini Mudigonda published a paper titled "Eye Movement Recognition by Grey Wolf Optimization based Neural Network", in 8th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies(ICCCNT), New Delhi, during 3rd to 5th July 2017.
  11. Mr. M. Venkateswara Rao and ME Students published a paper “Oral-feeding evaluation system for preterm infants”; in International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology (IARJSET), ISSN (online) 2393-8021, ISSN (print) 2394-1588, Vol.4, Issue 1, January 2017
  12. Mr. M. Venkateswara Rao and ME Students published a paper titled “Gait Analysis”; in International Journal of Computing, Communication & Instrumentation Engineering (IJCCIE) Vol. 4, Issue 1 (2017) ISSN 2349-1469 EISSN 2349-1477.


  1. M.V.Subamanyam, P.V.N Prasad and M.Venkateswara Rao, “Implementation of SPWM Techniques in Five Level Inverter”, International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies for Smart and Clean Cities (SETS and CC 2016), July 27th – 29th 2016, organized by IIT, Tirupathi, Amara Raja Batteries Ltd., Krishna Teja Educational Institutions, Southern University and A&M College, LA, USA.
  2. Dr. M.Malini presented a paper titled “Gait Analysis” in International Conference on Innovations in Computer, Electrical and Electronics Engineering & Technology (ICEEET- 2016) in Singapore during 7th-8th Dec, 2016.
  3. Mr. D.Suman presented a paper titled “Discrete wavelet Transform based Drowsiness detection using EEG” in International Conference on Bio Medical Engineering & Technology (ICBME- 2016) in Singapore during 7th-8th Dec, 2016.
  4. Mr.D.Suman and Dr. M.Malini “Joint time-Frequency analysis of EEG for drowsiness detection- A study of cognitive behavioral patterns of the brain” published in International Journal of Vehicle safety (IJVS), Vol-4, Issue 1, 2017.
  5. Dr. M Malini and Mr.M.Harikrishna, "A novel method for recognizing Eye movements using NN classifier" is accepted for presentation at 3rd IEEE international conference on sensing, Signal Processing and security to be held in May 2017 at Chennai.
  6. Mr. M. Vekateswara Rao, Dr. M.Malini, O. Nageshwaramma and B. Sailalitha, “Gait Analysis” published in International Journal of Computing, Communications & Instrumentation Engg. (IJCCIE), Vol-4, Issue 1, 2017.
  7. Mr.D.Suman  and Dr.M.Malini,“Smart Goggles for the detection of drowsiness from the features of EOG signal”, Published in the Journal of Instrumentation Society of India, IISC Bangalore, & ISOI.
  8. M. Venkateshwara Rao, Dr. M. Malini, Armava Munazza, B. Sailalitha “ Design of Multipoint Ablation switch for Renal Artery Denervation” International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Organized by MIT, Anna University, Chennai, NCAMS-2016.
  9. Dr. M. Malini, K.E.Ch. Vidyasagar, D. Savita, B. Sailalitha “Offline Analysis of Motor Imagery EEG signals for brain computer interface” ” International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Organized by MIT, Anna University, Chennai, NCAMS-2016.
Scheme of Instruction and Syllabi of B.E and M.E. (Full Time/Part Time)
Title View
B.E. (BME) V & VI-Semester Scheme of Instruction & Syllabus 2024-2025.
Revised M.E./M.Tech. (All Branches) - Composite Materials (Open Elective) Subject 2023-2024.
B.E. (BME) III & IV-Semester Scheme of Instruction & Syllabus 2023-2024.
Revised Syllabus of M.E./M.Tech. (Open Elective) Operation Research (All Branches) 2022-2023.
Scheme of Instruction, Evaluation and Syllabi of M.E. (BME) WITH SPECIALIZATION IN MEDICAL DEVICES 2022-2023
B.E. (BME) I & II-Semester Scheme of Instruction & Syllabus 2022-2023
B.E. (BME) VII-Sem & VIII Sem Syllabus & Scheme of Instrutions 2021-2022
B.E. (BME) V-Sem & VI Sem Syllabus & Scheme of Instrutions 2020-2021
B.E. (BME) I-Semester Syllabus & Scheme of Instrutions 2018-2019
B.E. (BME) II-Semester Syllabus & Scheme of Instrutions 2018-2019
B.E. (BME) III-Semester Syllabus & Scheme of Instrutions 2019-2020
B.E. (BME) IV-Semester Syllabus & Scheme of Instrutions 2019-2020
B.E. (BME) V-Semester Syllabus & Scheme of Instrutions 2017-2018
B.E. (BME) VI-Semester Syllabus & Scheme of Instrutions 2017-2018
B.E. (BME) VII-Semester Syllabus & Scheme of Instructions 2018-2019
B.E. (BME) VIII-Semester Syllabus & Scheme of Instructions 2018-2019
B.E.I YEAR -I Semester
B.E.I YEAR -II Semester
B.E.II YEAR -III Semester 2016-2017
B.E.II YEAR -IV Semester 2016-2017
B.E.III YEAR -I Semester
B.E.III YEAR -I Semester (Mathematics)
B.E.III YEAR -II Semester
B.E.IV YEAR -I Semester
B.E.IV YEAR -II Semester
B.E.I YEAR -I Semester 2015-2016
B.E.I YEAR -I Semester 2015-2016
B.E.I YEAR -II Semester 2015-2016
B.E.II YEAR -III Semester 2016-2017
B.E.II YEAR -IV Semester 2016-2017
B.E.III YEAR -V Semester 2017-2018
B.E.III YEAR -VI Semester 2017-2018
B.E.IV YEAR -I Semester 2014-2015
B.E.IV YEAR -II Semester 2014-2015
B.E. Four Year Rule Book 2018-2019