Almanac for B.E. VI-SEM (WP-CEEP) Academic Year 2024-2025. || Almanac for MCA. II-SEM Academic Year 2024-2025. || Press Note for English Communication Skills and Personality Development from 17th February 2025. || Press Note for English Communication Skills and Personality Development from 10th february 2025.||
Phone No.: 040-27682378

The Department was established in the year 1929. In the starting period the classes were being held in the premises of University College of Science, O.U.Hyderabad-500007. In 1963 the Department was shifted to the present premises and the laboratory was developed slowly.

In those days the duration of B.E. Course was of 5 years. Both theory and practical courses were offered in I year and II year also. Later the duration of B.E. course was reduced to 4 years and Physics course was offered in I year only.

However, the department has been constantly revising the contents of the theory and practical (laboratory) syllabi. And recently new topics like Vacuum technology, Thin films, Spectroscopy and Nanomaterials were introduced.

In the laboratory a system of continuous assessment has been introduced with the faculty spending all the time discussing various aspects of experiment with students. Latest experiments like solar cell, Hall Effect, Laser, fiber Optics, T.E.P, Dielectric Constant, Michelson Interferometer, E.S.R were introduced.

As the ancient Greek philosopher as well as teacher, Pluto has quoted, “If a student is to learn effectively the class room and surroundings should be pleasant”. So the premises of basic sciences have been made the surroundings more pleasant for students who learn with us.

To reinforce what they had learnt and also to teach them better communication skills, each student is required to give two seminars on laboratory experiment in a year. The students are required to submit assignments, which are designed to inculcate the habit of critical thinking in them.

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Prof. N. Narsimulu. (Emp. ID- 38079)


Research Specialization

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Prof.CH.Srinivas (Emp. ID- 38077)

M.S.c., Ph.D

Research Specialization

Associate Professor(Contract)
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Ms.R.Swarna Latha (Emp. ID- 801859)


Research Specialization

Opto Electronocis

Associate Professor (Contract)
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Mr.K.Krushna Murthi Goud (Emp. ID- 801812)


Research Specialization

Electronics & Communication

Associate Professor (Contract)
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Mr.B.Ashok (Emp. ID- 801810)


Research Specialization

Electronics & Communication

Important events of the Departments

We have conducted a refresher course in practical (laboratory) physics in our department for the college teachers in the year 2000. Teachers from all over the country participated in the course.

During academic years 2004 – 2005 and 2005 – 2006 the student seminar on different emerging topics in Engineering physics, were conducted in the Department. The response from the students was very good.

Recently (March 2008) Extension Lectures on Nanomaterials by an eminent Scientist form IICT, Hyderabad were arranged for both teachers and as well as for students.

Publications (Journals/Conferences/Books) of faculty

The faculty members are also carrying the research and publishing work regularly in national and international journals.

All the teaching staff members are recognized research supervisors. They have produced 5 Ph.D.’s and have published 60 research papers in National and International Journals.

If University gives the permission our department is very much interested to establish M.Sc.Tech (Energy Physics) or M.Tech (Nanomaterials).