Almanac for B.E. VI-SEM (WP-CEEP) Academic Year 2024-2025. || Almanac for MCA. II-SEM Academic Year 2024-2025. || Press Note for English Communication Skills and Personality Development from 17th February 2025. || Press Note for English Communication Skills and Personality Development from 10th february 2025.||

Centre for Creative Technologies deals with the students of University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad. To bring out their Innovative, Design, and Managerial skills in present day and futuristic technologies of the globe, it also providing facilities for students to do inter disciplinary projects with new concepts as an individual/group at B.E second & third year level. CCT wants to develop all round personality in the field of Engineering and Technologies.

The Centre for Creative Technologies strongly believes that it doesn’t just take quality of teaching to make an engineer. It requires nurturing with proper guidance, constantly giving the feeling of responsibility to oneself as well as to the society. Hence it provides an opportunity to the students to enhance their knowledge in Engineering, and any student of this College (i.e Civil, Electrical & Electronics, Electronics & Communication, Bio-Medical, Mechanical and Computer Science & Engineering) who has a rough idea; the Centre will help to bring a prototype of their idea(s) by sharing various technologies.

It believes in excellence in action and in the pursuit of knowledge. The dedication and diligence of every individual identifying him/her self with the cause of Imagination is Intelligence to achieve their goal and ready to face any extreme challenges of tomorrow.

Programmes Organized

ENVISAGE – 2006 “Imagination is Intelligence “ a Three day National Level Technical Festival has conducted, during April 3-5, 2006 under TEQIP. For the first time in the Country, Inaugurated by Prof. Mohammed Suleman Siddiqi, Vice-Chancellor, Osmania University. Chairman of this Fest is Prof.D.N.Reddy, Principal, UCE.

ENVISAGE – 2007 has conducted during January 19-21, 2007 under TEQIP, Inaugurated by Prof.D.N.Reddy, Principal, UCE. It included robotic events, working model exhibition, idea presentation, managerial events, etc.; Students from different parts of the country participated in this event and made it a great success.

ENVISAGE - 2008 has conducted during January 11-12, 2008 under TEQIP, Inaugurated by Prof.D.N.Reddy, Principal, Prof. Jagannath Jetty, Vice-Principal UCE. It included robotic events, working model exhibition, idea presentation, Pegasus events, etc.; Students from different parts of the country participated.

Advisory Committee
Prof.S.Sameen Fathima Principal, UCE Chairman
Dr.Narsimhulu Sanke Professor, MED Director
Dr.S.Ramchandram Professor , CSE Member
Dr.P.V.N.Prasad Professor , EED Member
Dr.B.Mangu Professor, EED Member
Dr.M.V.S.Sreedhar Associate Professor, CED Member
Dr.P.Chandra Sekhar Professor, ECE Member
Dr.B.Rajendra Naik Professor, ECE Member
Address for Correspondence

Centre for Creative Technologies
University College of Engineering (Autonomous)
Osmania University
Hyderabad – 500007
Website :
Techfest :
E-mail :,

The following projects are developed with Centre for Creative Technologies, University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad-500007, India

Project #1.

Title: Design and Development of Pick and Place Robot
Team Size: 3 (D.Srinivasa Rao, E.Shashank, P.Harshitha)
Year: 2003-2004

With the available recourses in the college, developed a 3-degree of freedom articulated robot with arm. The controlling of the manipulator is done by using 8085-microprocessor kit, which are open loop control system. Tested for effective operation of the robot. The application of this robot in particularly in manufacturing industries to reduce the production time, which helps to do precision work more accurately.