Almanac for B.E. VI-SEM (WP-CEEP) Academic Year 2024-2025. || Almanac for MCA. II-SEM Academic Year 2024-2025. || Press Note for English Communication Skills and Personality Development from 17th February 2025. || Press Note for English Communication Skills and Personality Development from 10th february 2025.||
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The decade of 80s had seen a phenomenal growth in the field of Computer Science & Engineering in India. In tune with the global development, Osmania University also initiated a post graduate programme in Computer Science & Engineering in the year 1981, when the U.G.C. identified the University for its Manpower Development Programme. This program was being conducted at the University Computer Centre. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering came into being in the year 1988. Since then it is offering most sought after courses in the field of Computer Science and Engineering, both at undergraduate and graduate levels. The department has well qualified staff, Infrastructure and state-of- the- art equipment. Apart from regular academic work, the department is actively involved in industrial training, consultancy, research and other professional activities. The department has close interaction with software development firms and R&D establishments.


To be a leading academic department in the area of Computer Science and Information Technology with learning and research processes of global standards that contribute to innovations in various scientific disciplines and societal needs and also motivate young engineers to face future technological challenges.

  • To achieve excellence in Teaching in the field of Computer Science and Engineering.
  • To promote learning in free thinking and innovative environment with the state-of-art- technologies.
  • To cultivate skills to promote Information and Communication Technology.
  • Advancement of knowledge in Various Specializations of Computer Science and Engineering.
  • To impart skills to develop technical solutions for societal needs and inculcate Entrepreneurial talents
Professor, Head. Dept. of CSE, UCE(A), OU, Director, CoE, AIML, OU, Chairperson, BOS in CSE(A). UCE(A), OU.
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Prof.P.V.Sudha (Emp. ID- 48017)

M.Tech., P.hD

Areas of Interests

Cloud Computing, Large Scale ML, Software Project Management, Deep Learning

Professor, I/c Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Informatics, OU. Director, Centre for Cyber Security and Cyber Law. OU
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Prof. K. Shyamala (Emp. ID- 48014)

M.Tech, Ph.D

Areas of Interests

Parallel Processing Applications, Cyber Security, Wireless Sensor Networks, Embedded Systems, CAD algorithms, Technology Mapping Algorithms for FPGAs

Associate Professor, Chairperson, BOS in CSE(U)
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Dr. M. Venkat Dass (Emp. ID- 48008)

M.Tech, Ph.D

Areas of Interests

System Software, Discrete Mathematics

Associate Professor, Chairperson, BoS In Informatics, FoI, OU
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Dr. Suresh Kumar Lokhande (Emp. ID- 48010)

M.E., Ph.D.

Areas of Interests

Computer Networks, Network Security

Assistant Professor, Joint Director for PGRRCDE,OU
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Dr. V.B.Narasimha (Emp. ID- 48018)

M.Tech., P.hD.

Areas of Interests

Computer Networks, Operation Research, Software Engineering

Assistant Professor, Hostel Mess Warden, University Girls Hostel, OU
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Dr. B.Sujatha (Emp. ID- 48020)

M.Tech., P.hD.

Areas of Interests

Operating Systems, Data Structures, DBMS, Web Programming, Natural Language Processing

Assistant Professor, Training & Placement officer
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Dr. M.A.Hameed (Emp. ID- 48021)

M.Tech., P.hD.

Areas of Interests

Data Mining, Soft Computation, Big Data, Machine Learning, Data Science

Assistant Professor
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Mrs. E.Pragnavi (Emp. ID- 48019)


Areas of Interests

Operating Systems, Embedded Systems, Data Communication and Computer Networks, Network Security

Assistant Professor
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Mrs.V.Sukanya (Emp. ID- 48022)


Areas of Interests

Data Structures, Mobile Computing

Assistant Professor (Contract)
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Dr.I.Govardhana Rao (Emp. ID- ---)


Areas of Interests

Cloud Computing, Computer Graphics, Information Security, Network Security, C

Assistant Professor (Contract)
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Ms.A.Gayathri (Emp. ID- 48014)


Areas of Interests

Distributed Systems

Assistant Professor (Contract)
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Mr.M.Narender Reddy (Emp. ID- 801020)

MCA, M.Tech, (Ph.D).

Areas of Interests

Computer Programming, Networks, Mobile Computing

Assistant Professor (Contract)
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Mr. K.Satya Narayana (Emp. ID- 801023)

MCA, M.Tech, (Ph.D)

Areas of Interests

Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing, Operating Systems, Software Engineering

Assistant Professor (Contract)
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Mrs.C.Vani (Emp. ID- 801025)


Areas of Interests

Accounts and Finance Management, Economic Analysis, Operation Research, E-Commerce

Assistant Professor (Contract)
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Mrs. K.Jaya (Emp. ID- 801022)


Areas of Interests

Database Management Systems, Web Programming, MIS

B.E (CSE) Full-time 1985 4 years 60
B.E (AI & ML) Full-time 2021 4 years 60
M.Tech (CSE) Full-time 1981 2 years 20
M.Tech (CSE) Part-time 1991 3 years 30
MCA Full-time 1990 3 years 60
Ph.D(CSE) Full-time 1987 - -
M.Tech (AI & ML) Full-time 2013 2 years 18
M.Tech (Cyber Security) Full-time 2023 2 years 15

Placements  2023-2024

S. No. Name of Companies visited Package offered(LPA) No. of BE Students Placed
1 Pal Tech 6 lakhs 3>
2> Accenture 4.6 lakhs 2>
3 Deloitte Consulting India Pvt. Ltd. 7.6 lakhs 3
4 Eastmane 5 lakhs 5
5 Digitalinterakt 7 lakhs 5
6 OSI Digital Pvt Ltd 7 lakhs 3
6 OSI Digital Pvt Ltd 7 lakhs 3
7 Opt Culture 7 lakhs 1
8 Darwinbox Digital Solutions 16.3 lakhs 2
9 Magnaquest 5 lakhs 1
10 Zessta 5 lakhs 1
11 5 lakhs 5
12 ABB 8.5 lakhs 2
13 Unistring Tech Solutions. 5 lakhs 1
14 Movidu 7 lakhs 2
15 K&S Partners | Intellectual Property Attorneys 6 lakhs 1
16 Tejas Network Ltd 10 lakhs 2
17 ctrIS 4 lakhs 3
18 Unistring Tech Solutions 5 lakhs 1
19 icsglobal 6.25 lakhs 3
20 DeltaX 7 lakhs 1
21 Hackett 10 lakhs  
Program Educational Objectives for UG Program : B.E (CSE)

The following are the objectives of the four-year engineering program in the discipline of Computer Science and Engineering.

  • PEO-1:To provide the necessary background in Basic Sciences and Humanities to build creative Engineering solutions.
  • PEO-2:To train students to acquire problem solving skills in the three major areas of Computer Science and Engineering, namely, Systems, Theory and Applications in order to pursue higher studies and to be successful in their career.
  • PEO-3:To expose the students to industry practices for building practical applications using software tools and programming languages.
  • PEO-4:To provide students with soft skills, managerial skills, high standards of ethics, and life-long learning capabilities.


Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) for the PG program, M.Tech (CSE)
  • PEO-1: To impart concept-based theoretical knowledge and to develop problem solving skills.
  • PEO-2: To understand the techniques, approaches and its application for design and usage of tools through illustration of Case Studies and simulations.
  • PEO 3: To empower critical thinking to enable innovative research in core and multidisciplinary areas and involve in lifelong learning process to solve real world engineering problems.
Library Facility

The Department has Library containing about 7633 volumes of books, 1500 reference books and 200 ACM journals catering to the needs of the department students and staff. Students also have access to College and University Libraries in addition to the Department Library. Most of the leading journals such as IEEE and ACM are accessible online.


S. No.




Text Books



Ph.D. Thesis



M.E. Project Reports



B. E. Project Reports





The computing resources that are available in the Department include 9 servers and 239 nodes connected on a high-speed LAN spread over seven labs. The following table lists the detailed information about the servers and their respective software. The Department has established a wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) at a cost of Rs.12.00 Lakhs under X plan grant from UGC. The Department LAN is integrated into a campus wide network of 1GB Ethernet. Each classroom is provided with LCD Projectors and all labs are provided with UPS backup.

Equipment (Hardware & Software)
Sl.No Servers Configuration Make / Model Qty Operating System / Appl S/W
1 Intel Xeon E5-2420,@ 1.90 GHz Processor ,16GB RAM, 2x300GB 6G SAS HDD,SMART ARAY with 1GB FBWC 460W HOTPLUG AC POWER SUPPLY HP Proliant DL380 GEN8 1 CentOS 8.10,FTP
2 Intel Xeon E5-2420  @ 1.90 GHz Processor,16GB RAM, 3x300GB 6G SAS HDD SMART ARAY with 1GB FBWC 460W  HOTPLUG AC POWER SUPPLY HP Proliant DL380 GEN8 2 OL 8.10/Alma Linux 8.8 Python 3.9, Jupyter Notebook 7.1,DHCP,FTP
3 Intel Xeon E5-2640  @ 2.00 GHz x 2 Processor,128 GB RAM (7x16GB RAM),  4x600GB 6G SAS HDD SMART ARAY with 1GB FBWC 750W  HOTPLUG AC POWER SUPPLY HP Proliant DL380 GEN8 1 Oracle Database 12C
4 Intel Xeon E5-2640  @ 2.00 GHz x 2 Processor 16GB RAM , 4x300GB 6G SAS HDD SMART ARAY with 1GB FBWC 460W  HOTPLUG AC POWER SUPPLY HP Proliant DL380 GEN8 1 CentOS 7 Oracle Database 12C Std Edition
5 Intel Xeon E5-2640 @ 2.00 GHz Processor,16GB RAM ,  4x300GB 6G SAS HDD SMART ARAY with 1GB FBWC 460W  HOTPLUG AC POWER SUPPLY HP Proliant DL380 GEN8< 1 CentOS 8 Stream  Python 3.9, Jupyter Notebook 7.1, Apache 2.0 Web Server
6 Intel Xeon  E3-1280 @  3.10 GHz Processor 8GB RAM, 4x300 GB  6G SAS HDD SMART ARAY with 1GB FBWC 460W  HOTPLUG AC POWER SUPPLY HP Proliant ML110  GEN7 2 Scientific Linux 6.10/ OL 6.10 Apache 2.0 Web Server
7 Intel Xeon  E5-2600 @ 3.5 GHz Processor 32 GB RAM ,   5x600GB 6G SAS HDD SMART ARAY with 1GB FBWC 1400w  HOTPLUG AC POWER SUPPLY, Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor 7120p HP Proliant DL380 GEN9 2 Windows 2012 Server/CentOS 7.2 LAMP Stack


Intel Xeon  E5-2600 @ 3.5 GHz Processor 32 GB RAM , 3x600 GB 6G SAS HDD SMART ARAY with 1GB FBWC 1400w  HOTPLUG AC POWER SUPPLY HP Prolant DL380 GEN9 3 VMware ESXi 7, VMware vCenter 7, VSphere 7, VMware VCloud Suite 2017, Veeam Backup
9 Intel Xeon Gold- 6130 @ 2.10 GHz Processor , 128 GB RAM, 4x600GB SAS HDD SMART ARAY with 1GB FBWC,460W HOTPLUG AC POWER SUPPLY Tyrone AD400TR-28 1 CentOS Stream 9 Python 3.9, Jupyter Notebook 7.1,LAMP Stack, R-Studio 4.3
10 Intel Xeon Gold- 5215 @ 2.50 GHz Processor , 256 GB RAM, 3x1TB GB SSD HDD SMART ARAY with 1GB FBWC,1600W HOTPLUG AC POWER SUPPLY Dell EMC PowerEdge R940 1 CentOS Stream 9 Python 3.9,R-Studio 4.3,Jupyter Notebook 7.1


11 Seven software Lab with 35 PCs in each lab & Server Room HP & Dell 223 Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Kali Linux,Windows
12 Cyber Security Lab Dell 29 Ubuntu, Kali Linux


13 Operating Systems: Linux, MSDN
Data Base :Oracle & MySql
Compilers: Gcc, Java, Python
Packages: Jupyter Notebook, Umberallo, Scilab, Webserver, Vmware,SPSS Modular
Anti Virus: 360  Total Security

Placements  2023-2024

S. No. Name of Companies visited Package offered(LPA) No. of BE Students Placed
1 Pal Tech 6 lakhs 3
2> Accenture 4.6 lakhs 2
3 Deloitte Consulting India Pvt. Ltd. 7.6 lakhs 3
4 Eastmane 5 lakhs 5
5 Digitalinterakt 7 lakhs 5
6 OSI Digital Pvt Ltd 7 lakhs 3
6 OSI Digital Pvt Ltd 7 lakhs 3
7 Opt Culture 7 lakhs 1
8 Darwinbox Digital Solutions 16.3 lakhs 2
9 Magnaquest 5 lakhs 1
10 Zessta 5 lakhs 1
11 5 lakhs 5
12 ABB 8.5 lakhs 2
13 Unistring Tech Solutions. 5 lakhs 1
14 Movidu 7 lakhs 2
15 K&S Partners | Intellectual Property Attorneys 6 lakhs 1
16 Tejas Network Ltd 10 lakhs 2
17 ctrIS 4 lakhs 3
18 Unistring Tech Solutions 5 lakhs 1
19 icsglobal 6.25 lakhs 3
20 DeltaX 7 lakhs 1
21 Hackett 10 lakhs  

Placements Statistics for the Year 2023-24

S. No. Branch Total Strength Not Placed % Student Placed Single Jobs Two Jobs Three Jobs Four Jobs Internship Overall Offers Received Avg CTC
1 BE/CSE 87 31 63.0 50 4 1 8 28 55 614900

Job Type Placements Statistics for the Year 2023-24

S. No. Branch Total Strength % Student Placed Single Jobs Single Job Software Single Job Software % Overall Offer Received
1 BE/CSE 87 63.0 50 35 70.00% 55
Scheme of Instruction and Syllabi of B.E and M.E. (Full Time/Part Time)
Title View
Revised M.E./M.Tech. (All Branches) - Composite Materials (Open Elective) Subject 2023-2024.
M.Tech. (CYBER SECURITY) Syllabus and Scheme of Instructions 2023-2024 .
M.Tech. (AIML) Syllabus and Scheme of Instructions 2023-2024 .
M.Tech. (CSE) Syllabus and Scheme of Instructions 2023-2024 .
Syllabus For M.C.A (Master of Computer Applications) Full-Time Academic Yaer-2023-2024.
B.E. (AIML) V and VI-Sem Syllabus and Scheme of Instructions 2021-2022 .
B.E. (CSE) III & IV-Semester Scheme of Instruction & Syllabus 2023-2024.
Revised Syllabus of M.E./M.Tech. (Open Elective) Operation Research (All Branches) 2022-2023.
B.E. (AIML) III and IV-Sem Syllabus and Scheme of Instructions 2023-2024.
B.E. (AIML) I and II-Sem Syllabus and Scheme of Instructions 2022-2023 .
M.Tech. (AIML) Syllabus and Scheme of Instructions 2022-2023 .
M.Tech. (CSE) Syllabus and Scheme of Instructions 2022-2023 .
M.Tech. (PDS) Syllabus and Scheme of Instructions 2022-2023 .
B.E. (CSE) I & II-Semester Scheme of Instruction & Syllabus 2022-2023.
M.Tech. (AIML) Syllabus and Scheme of Instructions 2021-2022 .
M.Tech. (CSE) Syllabus and Scheme of Instructions 2021-2022 .
M.Tech. (PDS) Syllabus and Scheme of Instructions 2021-2022 .
B.E. (AIML) I & II-Sem Syllabus and Scheme of Instructions 2021-2022 .
M.Tech. Scheme of Instructions (AICTE) 2019-2020 .
M.Tech-(ESC) Scheme & Syllabus 2019-2020.
M.Tech (PDS)- Scheme & Syllabus 2019-2020.
M.Tech (CSE)- Scheme & Syllabus 2019-2020.
MCA III Yr V-Sem-scheme-syl- 2018_19FinalVersion.pdf
B.E. IV-Semester Scheme of Instructions & Syllabus 2019-2020.
B.E. III -Semester Scheme of Instructions & Syllabus 2019-2020.
B.E. I and II-Semester Scheme of Instructions & Syllabus 2018-2019.
B.E. VII & VIII-Semester Scheme of Instructions & Syllabus 2021-2022.
B.E. V & VI-Semester Scheme of Instructions & Syllabus 2020-2021.
M.Tech-(ESC) Scheme & Syllabus 2017-2018.
M.Tech (PDS)- Scheme & Syllabus 2017-2018.
M.Tech (CSE)- Scheme & Syllabus 2017-2018.
B.E. First Year Syllabus for 2016-2017.
B.E. Scheme of Instructions 2016-2017.
B.E. First Year Syllabus for 2016-2017.
B.E.I YEAR -II Semester.
B.E.II YEAR -III Semester 2016-2017.
B.E.II YEAR -IV Semester 2016-2017.
B.E.III YEAR -I Semester.
B.E.III YEAR -II Semester.
B.E.IV YEAR -I Semester.
B.E.IV YEAR -II Semester.