Admission Notification for Part-Time M.E.M.Tech (CEEP) under Sponsored and Working Professionals for A.Y. 2024-25. || M.E./M.Tech. (Regular) Programme under Sponsored Category for the Academic Year 2024-2025. || CNC CMM Machine operation of Mitutoyo MCOSMOS (GEOPAK) || Training on CNC Lathe Siemens 802 controller and||


R&D Projects/Consultancies
  1. Prof K.Shyamala, Power and EnergyAware Secure RoutingProtocol in WirelessSensor Networks”, funded by SERB- DST (2018-2021).26.39 Lakhs.
  2. Mr.L.K.SureshKumar, Secure Routing in Mobile Adhoc Networks”, funded by UGC for 3.80 Lakhs.
  3. Dr. V. B.Narsimha, Impact of MachineLearning and TermWeighting approaches on short documents forText Mining”, funded by UGC for 1.4 lakhs.
  4. Dr.B.Sujatha, FOL based IntelligentNatural LanguageInterface toKnowledgeBase.”, funded by UGC for 2.01 lakhs.
  5. Mrs. E.Pragnavi, A Security Frameworkfor SaaS Services in Cloud using SQUARE methodology”, funded by UGC for 1.9 lakhs
  6. Prof S. Ramachandram, Principal Investigator for project titled “Building an adaptive resource provisioning framework for applications with multiple constraints in Cloud environments”, funded by UGC for 6.04 lakhs, (2013-2016).
  7. Mr L. K. Suresh Kumar, Principal Investigator for project titled “Security in mobile ad-hoc networks ”, funded by UGC for lakhs, (2014-2017).
  8. Dr K.Shyamala, Principal Investigator for project titled “ Parallel implementation of minimum spanning tree for large graphs on GPU” funded by TEQIP-II for 1.0 lakhs, (2015-2016).
  9. Dr. P V Sudha, Principal Investigator for project titled ” I mplementingEnergy Management using Software Defined Networks for Cloud environment” funded by TEQIP-II for 1.0 lakhs, (2015-2016).
  10. Dr. A. Hameed, Principal Investigator for project titled ” Creating a social network dataset excluding bots contribution” funded by TEQIP II for 1.0 lakhs, (2015-2016)
  11. Cloud Computing Research Lab was setup in collaboration with CipherCloud Pvt. Ltd. at a cost of Rs.10 lakhs.
  12. Dr B. Sujatha, Principal Investigator for the project titled “FOL based Intelligent Natural Language Interface to Knowledge Base”, funded by UGC of Rs 1 lakh.
  13. Dr.V.B.Narasimha, Principal Investigator for the project titled “Impact of Machine Learning and Term Weighting Appraoches on Short Documents for Text Mining”, funded by UGC of Rs 1.6 lakhs.